Does Israel have the right to exist?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

• Israel, a nation created by sin who’s sin of colonialism is still in effect.

• The lie of democracy that would deny Israel’s existence if properly implemented

As we look at the colonial past of America, we cannot deny that invasion, treachery, and deceit were all used to take over the lands of indigenous America. Today, the indigenous race only stands at 5 million, nullifying its right to govern and take back the land that once belonged to its ancestors. The reality is, the United States was a nation created in sin, but the ancestors of the colonialists do not feel the need to bear that sin because of the majority that they now stand as.

What has this got to do with Israel? The truth of the matter is that Israel was also created in sin with the forced imposition of a nation by the degradation of another and the ethnic cleansing that took place to make that happen. The difference between the US and Israel, however, is that the sin of Israel is still in effect. The colonialism and ethnic cleansing are still taking place, with territory from the internationally recognized Palestinian area of the West Bank continuing to be lost by Israeli settlers who have been directly backed and protected by the Israeli government. Palestine, on the international outlook, still exists, is recognized by most of the countries in the world, and is still being encroached upon on a regular basis. In modern times, any nation encroaching the territory of another is not considered its rightful owner nor its absorption. Therefore, we can first and foremost clarify that Israeli territories that lie outside of the international borders have no right to have an Israeli presence, and therefore any part of Palestine that has been encroached upon in recent years cannot be considered Israel, and Israel, just from recent history alone, has already blacklisted itself as being a colonialist state.

Israel’s own death sentence through a real democratic system

Modern America was born in sin but claims to have a legitimate right to exist because of the essence and meaning of democracy, as the majority say. Israel, on the other hand, prides itself on being the only democracy in the Middle East but cannot and does not represent one because the lack of allowing foreign nationals to vote in elections is something not implemented in the majority of modern democracies. More than 500,000 Israeli citizens, many of whom have served in the army and have Israeli passports, do not have the right to vote, on top of the fact that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza also do not have the right to vote in elections. There has not been an election in the West Bank since 2005, nor one in Gaza in 2007. The elections in the West Bank, or Gaza, are separate from the Israeli elections. Israeli officials, as well as the majority of the of the Israeli population, do not believe in a two-state solution and therefore believe that the territories of Gaza and the West Bank belong to it. Yet let’s consider for a moment that a fair democracy was held from the river to the sea, from the west bank to Gaza, and the Israelis claimed territories in between as one election.

If we compare the number of Jews altogether in Israel and Palestine with the number of Palestinians, the number is roughly the same, with Israeli Jews coming slightly on top. However, in a fair and honest democracy by today’s standards, citizens abroad have the right to vote. According to a study in 2017, there are approximately 6 million ethnic Palestinians outside of Palestinian and Israeli territories in Arab countries, the majority of whom are refugees, despite the countless years of oppression and ethnic cleansing the Israelis have pursued against them. In a real democracy, the Palestinians would outnumber the Israeli Jews by almost twice as much. This means that even from a secular democratic lens, Israel would have to be ruled and run by Palestinians and thus would not be called Israel, and therefore we can come to the natural conclusion that Israel, under a true and fair democracy, would sentence itself to death.

Do terrorist nations have the right to exist?

When Isis scoured into Iraq and Syria, claiming they had formed an Islamic state, something rebuked by Muslim scholars, they committed countless massacres and atrocities. The land or state that they claimed to have formed was not recognized, and even if ISIS had existed for 100 years, its terrorist nature would never grant it legitimacy to exist as a state or an organization. Many do not make the comparison between ISIS and Israel, but the truth is that the atrocities have been similar, with the majority of the Israeli population being in support of the atrocities taking place. A poll by The Israeli Democracy Institute in February showed that the majority of Israelis were against humanitarian aid going into Gaza, even if it were to avoid Hamas and UNWRA. This genocidal mentality amongst Israelis is prevalent throughout its population, and the mere fact that the majority of Israelis still support the ongoing genocide in Gaza despite there being mass protests against it demonstrates the true nature of Israel and its people. If an ISIS supporter and advocate were to be behind the frontlines in Iraq during the ISIS surge, they would be killed by the US or its allies. Unfortunately, there are Israeli genocidal supporters throughout Israel, and they are responsible for Israel’s existence. A land of terrorists does not have the right to exist, just like ISIS did not have the right to exist. Therefore, we can conclude that this is just another one of many reasons why Israel does not have the right to exist.

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