IDF coat bullets in Pig Fat: An Irony Unveiled

Reading Time: 2 minutes

IDF soldiers are found online, coating their bullets in pig fat, a circumstance rife with irony.

The existence of numerous pig farms in the holy land tells us a lot about the Israeli regime.

A circulating video on social media portrays an IDF soldier coating bullets with pig fat, intended for use against Muslim targets.

In 2022, Ukrainian fighters were observed applying pig fat to bullets intended for use against Muslim soldiers in Chechnya.

Muslims abstain from consuming pork due to dietary laws decreed by Allah, al-Halom, The Most Wise.

Similarly, Jews abstain from consuming pork due to religious laws outlined in the Torah.

Consequently, Israel has enacted two interconnected laws: the Pork Law of 1962, which prohibits the breeding and slaughter of pigs nationwide, and the Meat Law of 19, which prohibits the importation of non-kosher meats into Israel.

Given these laws, how are Israeli Soldiers obtaining Pigs?

Israel hosts pig farms as a result of a legal loophole. The precise language of the prohibition in Israeli law dictates that pigs cannot be farmed on “Israeli soil.” Therefore, many farmers employ the use of wooden planks beneath the animals to maintain technical compliance with the law. This is then exported globally. Sounds ludicrous right? That’s because it is!

Under the influence of French pressure, an amendment to the law was introduced, permitting predominantly Christian areas (in the north of the holy land) to engage in pig farming.

The proliferation of pig farms in the sacred soil of the Holy Land offers profound insights into the nature of the Israeli regime.

A circumstance rife with irony

IDF soldiers are discovered online, coating their bullets in pig fat, a circumstance rife with irony. Let us delve into their motives, seeking to comprehend their attempt to denigrate and offend Muslims who uphold Islamic practices. Let us entertain the possibility that many IDF members identify as secular Jews who partake in consuming pork. Nonetheless, their actions amount to a disregard for their own faith or the principles of Orthodox Judaism.

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