IHRC were asked to remove the Palestinian flag, they refuse and demand an apology!

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• Labour MP, Barry Gardiner asked The Islamic Human Rights Commission organisation (IHRC) to remove a Palestine flag which had ‘Boycott Israel’ written on it from their shop window in London

• Islamic Human Rights refused and have subsequently asked for an apology

During Ramadan, the MP for Brent North paid a visit to the IHRC establishment in Wembley, London. The members of Islamic Human Rights Commission were astounded when Gardiner asked if the organisation whether they would remove the ‘Boycott Israel-Palestinian flag’, as it had caused offence to a local resident. Gardiner told the IHRC, that the resident was concerned as tension had been brewing as the establishment was situated next to a Kosher bakery.

The IHRC refused the request and the flag in its shop window still remain. However, they have since written to Mr Gardiner- asking him to apologise for “this blatant attempt to stifle our freedom of expression.“This is a brazen attempt to bully people into silence over their support of Palestinian rights, a tactic which is increasingly being employed by the pro-Israel lobby,” the IHRC said. “Over the last couple of years neighbouring shops have removed Palestine flags after being arrested by police and being threatened by constituents.”

The IHRC letter further asked why Gardiner is “making demands for us to give up our basic rights to protest and to support the legitimate demands for justice for the Palestinians?………It seems that you feel at ease to ask Muslims and pro-Palestinians to give up their rights for no reason other than someone has contacted you, someone who in your own words, had no reason to feel any offence…” the letter said.

Mr Gardiner has since copied muslim news website ‘5Pillars’ into a letter that he had sent to the IHRC, he has refused to apologise and stated that he ‘felt compelled to follow up the complaint because the IHRC is situated right next to a Kosher bakery and therefore the flags were likely to cause offence’. He added, ‘It is not wise to display the Palestinian flag with the invitation to Boycott Israel next to a Jewish Kosher bakery’.

He went on to say, “You will be aware that I voted in favour of the UK government recognising the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel. I continue to condemn the illegal Israeli settlements and I have spoken out on many occasions against Israel’s disproportionate use of force.”

He also wrote, “In my view such an act was bound to cause offense. However, our freedom of speech is precisely a freedom to offend. I had believed it might be worth speaking to your colleagues in the IHRC shop to urge them to behave in what I considered a reasonable and non-confrontational manner for the sake of harmonious community relations. Sadly they and you appear to be unwilling and have chosen to assert your rights within the law. I guarantee you that I will defend your right to do so, but you cannot expect me to applaud what I believe to be a poor decision. Nor can you expect me to apologise for hoping you might have responded more positively.”


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