Science Syncs with the Sacred Teachings of Prophet Mohammed (saw)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Allow me to preface this: Science should never be used to determine the validity of Islam due to its ever-changing nature.

However, Islam’s divine teachings, presented in the holy Qur’an and the sayings of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), hold a timeless and superior position compared to any other epistemological approach. Therefore, when science catches up with certain teachings of Islam, many Muslims experience an “I told you so” moment!. Let us explore the numerous instances Science glorifies and lauds the customary and cherished ways of Muslims.

Eating with your hands

Professor Charles Spencer of the University of Oxford examined the health benefits of using our hands to eat. He concluded that eating with your hands is scientifically proven to improve texture and the flavour of food, as well as a whole host of health benefits. “The fork gets in the way and separates you from your senses”, he said. “Eating with our hands helps to make us more mindful about what we are eating, rather than just thoughtlessly using cutlery like we always do.”

A study by WHO concluded that the millions of bacterial flora residing on the palms and fingers of the hand, mouth, throat, intestine, and gut are all very important in protecting one from the damaging and harmful microorganisms found in the environment. Therefore, when a person eats with their hands, the healthy bacterial flora on the finger tips is consumed along with the food. Consequently, this protects the digestive system from getting exposed to any harmful bacteria. The presence of these friendly bacteria helps promote healthy digestion in the gut. Eating with a spoon for a long time can result in lesser effectiveness for these healthy and natural bacterial germs.

The best sleeping position is on the side

Interestingly, most people prefer to sleep on their side. This can only be a good thing, as those who lie on their backs are more likely to experience breathing difficulties during the night or/(and) to be poor sleepers according to research conducted by the University of Ottawa.

Using Miswak

During Prophet Mohammed’s (saw) final moments, Abdul Rahman, the son of Abu Bakr (RA), visited him with a miswak in his hand. Though weak to ask for it, Prophet Mohammed (saw) expressed his desire to use it. Aisha (RA) understood his wish, moistened the miswak with her saliva, and gently placed it in his mouth to aid him.

The miswak is used by Muslims all over the world. Islam encourages frequent tooth cleaning due to the fact that Prophet Mohammed (saw’s) would use the miswak several times during the day and before praying.

In the ‘Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research, the oral hygiene of 297 12–15-year-old Miswak users compared to toothbrush and toothpaste users was assessed in Lucknow, India. It was concluded that Miswak users exhibited better gum health (a lower gingival index score) compared to toothbrush and toothpaste users.

Istinjaa is important

Hygiene Practice and the Adaptation of the Modern Muslim ( asserts how the diseases that can be extracted from long term ’tissue only use’ in the lavatory include: urinary cancer, pustule near the anus, fungal diseases.

Dwelling on nature’s beauty and reflecting

The University of Michigan studied a mix group of men and women who took time to dwell on nature’s beauty and their surrounding and those who didn’t. It asserted that The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting with Nature are that it increases cognitive function and humility.

The importance of making tadabbar (reflecting upon our surroundings and the verses of the Qur’an) are mentioned in the following verse of the Qur’an:

˹They are˺ those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth ˹and pray˺, “Our Lord! You have not created ˹all of˺ this without purpose. Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the Fire.


The benefits of fasting

In the study Intermittent fasting vs daily calorie restriction for type 2 diabetes prevention: a review of human findings – PubMed (, it was found that fasting can prevent type 2 diabetes.

In Changes in hunger and fullness in relation to gut peptides before and after 8 weeks of alternate day fasting – Clinical Nutrition ( it was deduced that alternate day fasting can modulate hunger, fullness and gut peptides in a way that enhances dietary compliance and weight loss. (This could be referenced for sunnah-day fasting).

Go ahead and take a sunnah nap!

Prophet Mohammed (saw) would observe an afternoon nap, known as “Qailulah.” The companions of the Prophet (saw) would emphasise its significance by withholding the Jummah’ (Friday prayers) or having lunch until they, too, had taken their afternoon nap.

Dr. Victoria Garfield and her team at University College London Study: Napping may be beneficial for your brain – here’s how | UCL News – UCL – University College London found that napping is good for your brain’s health. They found that those who nap have a brain size that is approximately 15 cubic centimetres bigger than those who do not nap. This is equivalent to delayed ageing of 3 to 6 years. The study also concluded that lacking sleep causes damage to the brain. Therefore, one way to compensate for this is by taking a nap.

Engaging in moderate drinking bears detrimental effects on one’s health

Countless are the times when non-Muslims have commented on our way of life, deeming it excessively strict due to the prohibition on alcohol in its entirety. However, it is intriguing to note the findings of the following study. Encompassing the health and drinking practices of nearly 5 million individuals, Association Between Daily Alcoho Intake and Risk of All-Cause Mortality, this substantial study shatters the prevalent myth that indulging in moderate wine or other alcoholic elixirs bestows benefits upon one’s well-being. It reveals a profound correlation: the greater the alcohol intake, the heightened susceptibility to premature mortality. Consequently, “a glass of red with your meal” really is not good for you. Similarly, researchers in Britain examined genetic and medical data of 400,000 individuals and concluded that Even modest drinking is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.


Clearly evident is the wisdom in following the path of Prophet Mohammed (saw), as it leads us on a just, wise and compassionate journey of optimal functionality, social cohesion and unity. Moreover, when we study the life of Prophet Mohammed (saw), we truly experience inner peace and our life’s purpose; a life of virtue and spiritual growth. Embracing his teachings illuminates a harmonious and fulfilling way of life, fostering understanding and hope in the hearts of all.

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  1. S2J,,,May Allah put barakah in your work and in this platform. And May Allah give you all steadfastness!