Zionist Lobbies: Funding Illegal Settlements, Bombardment & Islamophobia

Reading Time: 4 minutes
  • Zionist lobbies fund illegal settlements, Palestinian bombardment, and fuel Islamophobia in the West.

    Key foundations, like Klarman and Hertog, support organisations linked to policies such as the Trump Muslim ban, and associate with figures such as Geert Wilders and Katie Hopkins.

Those espousing Islamophobia amass popularity and money through their disparaging rhetoric directed at revered figures in Islam and the Muslim community. Yet, a compelling question emerges: What endeavours will they undertake upon recognising the futility of their anti-Islam discourse, particularly in light of Pew Research projecting the Muslim population to reach 2.2 billion by 2030. In addition, they calculate that Muslims will account for one third of the world’s population by 2100. Notably, no such calculated estimations are required for Muslims, as we understand that Allah is in control, Islam is the truth and a superior way of life and will always win.

One might conjecture that Mr Robinson, who has recently been arrested and has become somewhat irrelevant, might revert to his problematic gambling habits, potentially leading to bankruptcy once more. However, this is not the discussion at hand today. Rather, the pertinent question emerges: what are the sources of the funding of such figures? Who funds the Islamophobia machine and its actors? Who are their supporters behind the curtain?

Let’s first examine Geert Wilders, the Dutch far-right politician who recently clinched the majority of seats in the Netherlands election. Noteworthy is his significant financial investment in legal fees, employed to fend off hate speech charges. Interestingly, the electoral agenda under his guidance calls for the creation of a ministry dedicated to “de-Islamize” the Netherlands, repatriate migrants, enforce a ban on the Quran, and close mosques.

Prominent funders of the brutal Israeli regime regard Wilders as a courageous politician at the forefront of the “battle against the Islamisation of Europe”.  David Horowitz for instance, has invited Wilders to the United States on multiple occasions for lectures and fundraising events. Horowitz, who is the founder of the Horowitz Freedom Centre and the ultra-right-wing author of ‘Unholy alliance: radical Islam and the American left’.

One particular meeting orchestrated by the David Horowitz Freedom Centre hosted Wilders, as well as its central figure, self-made tycoon, Robert Shillman, the luminary behind the billion-dollar enterprise, Cognex, renowned for its production of industrial optical apparatus like barcode readers. During his speech, Wilders praised Robert Shillman, saying he didn’t know anyone who gave so much support to people like him who fought “against the monstrous ideology of Islam”.  

Shillman referred to Wilders as a “visionary who knows what the future holds if we allow Islam to take over the West”. It was an honour to stand side by side with Shillman, he said , “in the greatest battle for the survival of our civilisation. You have never let us down, and I will never let you down.’

Shillman, opened his speech with an anecdote about the deplorable and grotesque cartoon competition of Mohammed (saw), held in 2015 in Garland, Texas and who according to Muslims and many historians, was the greatest man to ever walk this earth. He spoke of an ‘existential struggle’ to protect Western values and culture from attacks by ‘Islamists and the Left who want to destroy us’. 

Pictured: Geert Wilders and Robert Shillman

There exist 440 Israeli colonies in the West Bank, accommodating more than half a million settlers, whose presence is deemed illegal. These settlers, armed and in control of 80% of the West Bank’s water resources, wield considerable influence. Furthermore, there are 565 checkpoints where soldiers operate with unaccountable impunity.

The UN Resolution 2334 designates these settlements as illegal. However, who finances these settlements? Roman Abramovich is one such individual. Four companies he either owns or controls in the British Virgin Islands have contributed more than $100m (£74m) to Elad, a group that supports settlements in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem. This transfer was made prior to him obtaining Israeli citizenship.

Additionally, The Klarman family foundation extends its financial support to the ‘Centre for Security Policy’, presided over by Frank J Gaffney, an entity also backed by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. It is noteworthy that the Centre for Security Policy played a pivotal role in formulating the foundational policy that underpinned Trump’s Muslim ban.

Additionally, the Klarman family foundation has provided funding to the Middle East Forum, led by Gregg Roman, a former employee of the Israeli Ministry of Defence.

Pictured: Gregg Norman

The Middle East Forum, functioning as a Think Tank, was instrumental in financing the Free Tommy Robinson campaign. Notably, it was cited 13 times by Anders Breivik, the perpetrator of a devastating massacre that claimed over 70 lives in Norway.

Pictured: Anders Breivik

The Hertog foundation also funds Elad. The David Horowitz Freedom Centre employed Islamophobes Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson. Interestingly, the Hertog foundation funds The friends of the IDF and Middle Eastern Forum. 

The Hertog Foundation extends its financial backing to Elad and The David Horowitz Freedom Centre, who employ prominent Islamophobes Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson. Notably, the Hertog Foundation allocates funds to The Friends of the IDF and the Middle Eastern Forum.

Furthermore, The Friends of the IDF, boasting Robert Schillman on their board, also received financial support from Schillman, who notably contributed to the funding of Tommy Robinson.

Fundamentally, the aforementioned financiers have, in essence, enabled considerable malevolence: widespread genocide, the forcible displacement of Palestinians from their residences, the ascent of far-right ideologies in the West, the propagation of Islamophobia, and the occurrence of terrorist assaults on innocent Muslim communities. Isn’t it time they are held accountable for funding abhorrent war crimes in the Middle East and causing discord in the U.K and Europe?

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