Will Gaza Genocide slam brakes on Eid-day Immorality: Pointless Car Parades, Fitna & Flirting!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
  • Gaza should serve as a wake-up call for us all.
  • The immorality witnessed in places such as Edgware Road, Wilmslow Road, and Ilford Lane does not align with what Allah has ordained for us on the auspicious day of Eid.

Are you, like me, feeling that petrol prices are nothing short of daylight robbery these days? Now, riddle me this: why would anyone in their right mind spend the evening of Eid driving back and forth across the same road, revving their engine, and marinating in traffic? Picture this: Imran, in his rented Bima, proudly displaying the flag of his motherland, blaring obnoxious music at eardrum-shattering levels, and creating a ruckus. And let’s not forget the charming touch of honking at Bushra, asking for her Insta while possibly indulging in some illicit substances with ‘the boys.’

Welcome— to “The Eid flex!”

The clean up on aisle 5 is pretty awful. Can I get the eye bleach please? Nonetheless, these are my people and there is beauty in each and every single one of them; I love them for the sake of Allah. Furthermore, I must preface this with the following: I’m not the Eid grinch, nor am I here to kebab you or haram police anyone; we’re all on our own journey, I get that. After all, it could be that you’re more beloved to Allah than me. It’s just that I want good for you, as I do for me, as you’re my brothers and sisters in Islam. 

It must be noted that the spectacle witnessed on Eid day isn’t limited to one particular area in the UK. Edgware Road, Southall Broadway, Ilford Lane, Green Street, Tooting Broadway, Wilmslow Road, Lady Pool Road, and Alum Rock all put on the same show.

Eid is the most awesome day. Nothing beats it! I love everything about it— getting my henna done, the legendary Eid nap on Eid ul Fitr, eating far too many samosas, playing Articulate, going out for Ice Cream with the family, decorating the house to the nines! Whatever it is we enjoy doing on this day; Eid is truly a blessing from Allah! And is a day of baraka’ 

Therefore, it would be truly regrettable to dishonor ourselves on such a cherished day.

Now, Lets shift gears a little.

The disturbing death toll in Gaza currently surpasses 37,000. The Palestinian father recently seen distributing sweets upon learning of his son’s death is profoundly aware of his life’s purpose. This video has now gone viral, and for good reason. For the lion-hearted Palestinians, through various mediums, serve as our teachers.

 I don’t know this brother of ours but I know one thing for sure, when calamity hit him, he displayed his Muslimness like no other! 

While distributing sweets, our brother is filmed saying, ‘These are sweets for the souls of the martyrs.’

The images on my screen have sickened and grieved me as I’m sure they have you— the harrowing shrieks of mothers, the grey smoke billowing to the sky, children shivering from hunger, beheaded babies. 

Palestine has compelled me to reflect profoundly on the future generation of Muslims. I want Muslim children everywhere  to understand who they are in their bones, to recognise that they are the family of the greatest warriors on earth right now- the warriors who stand up and say HasbunAllahu wa ni mal Wakeel without electricity, food in their belly or a gun or bomb in their hand. I want these kids to know that they are the descendants of the greatest man who ever walked this planet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). 

Right now, Muslims all over the globe are facing a test. A test like never before. The Gazans are passing their test with flying colours but the test is not for them alone. Will we see the plight of our brothers and sisters as a wake up call? Whether we deem ourself as “practising” or not (whatever connotations this term may hold). Our Gazan family have demonstrated beautifully how fleeting and precious life is and have used their calamity to draw closer to Allah. Perhaps it’s time to put down that shisha pipe on Edgware Road, and use this as a wake up call to draw closer to Allah.

This is a reminder to myself first and foremost: There is much work to do. Work on your soul, and then work on your soul some more. Work on your activism for Palestine, and then work on it some more. We must all collectively roll our sleeves up and get this work done. And by the way, Eid doesn’t have to be hideously dull because we are refraining from haram- use the creative faculties Allah gave you.

Eid Mubarak everyone! 

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