Victory for Christian Teaching Assistant: Judge Upholds Freedom of Religious Belief in Landmark Case against Teaching Transgender Issues to Primary School Children

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  • Sharing Facebook posts about LGBT lessons resulted in Kristie Higgs facing a dismissal. 
  • The mother-of-two lost her case at an employment tribunal. However, has now emerged victorious following a successful appeal.

A Christian teaching assistant, Kristie Higgs, raised concerns regarding LGBT lessons being taught at her son’s school. After sharing some Facebook posts regarding plans to teach young children about gay relationships, gender identity issues and LGBT lessons being taught at her son’s school, an anonymous person lodged a complaint. Higgs was terminated from her position at Farmor’s School in Fairford, Gloucestershire in 2019. 

Mrs Higgs posts her concerns on Facebook in 2018

Mrs Higgs’s Facebook Post

An anonymous complaint about Mrs Higgs’s Facebook posts was made to the school

Despite claiming she was discriminated against and harassed by the school, Mrs Higgs, 46, lost her case during an employment tribunal. However, the mother-of-two has now successfully appealed the decision. The judge ruled that “the freedom to express one’s beliefs, whether religious or otherwise, is a fundamental right in any democratic society.”

Mrs Higgs expressed her continued dismay regarding the introduction of what she termed “sexual ideology” at her son’s Church of England primary school. She added: ‘I am pleased that the courts have overturned the previous judgment, but I am frustrated by the further delays to receiving justice. ‘From the beginning, despite the many attempts by the school to suggest otherwise, this has always been about my Christian beliefs and me being discriminated against for expressing them in my own time. I was, and still am, appalled by the sexual ideology that was being introduced to my son’s Church of England primary school. I will never forget the moment, shaking and tearful, that I was ordered to leave the school premises after my Christian beliefs were aligned with Nazism.’

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