Unmasking the Disturbing Revisionism of History: Expansionist Dreams in the Veins of RSS-BJP Supporters

Reading Time: 3 minutes

• ‘Akhand Bharat’ (undivided India’s) pursuit of a United Hindu-ruled India threatens the cultural heritage of surrounding nations.

• Under the guise of a unified India, potential injustice and discrimination against several marginalized groups could be delivered.

The Idea of Akhand Bharat

Akhand Bharat envisions an expanded India stretching from Afghanistan to Myanmar involving nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. This concept, rooted in the RSS’s Hindutva ideology, disregards the complex historical realities of the region and the diversity of kingdoms that existed in ancient times. In 1948, when Nathuram Godse(prominent in RSS), Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin was executed, shouted, “AkhandBharat Amar rahe” (Long live Unbroken India). Even today, some BJP supporters favorthe killing of Gandhi by Godse as Godse wanted a Hindu unified nation. 

Historical Fallacy: The Ambiguity of Akhand Bharat

While the idea of Akhand Bharat envisions a grand territory, it is important to note that most historians argue against the inclusion of Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet, or Sri Lanka within present-day India, even in ancient times. The regions considered part of India today, such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, never experienced unified governance except during British colonial rule. Portraying India as an ancient and indivisible political entity is a significant act of historical revisionism. The borders depicted in the Akhand Bharat map imply the existence of a single Hindu republic, a notion that lacks historical accuracy. The notion of a linear path to Hindu supremacy was fuelled by British colonial divisions to disassemble the Hindu-Muslim unity in India. 

South Asia’s history is a vibrant mosaic of diverse kingdoms and therefore advocating for the establishment of Akhand Bharat would be unjust, as it would disregard the historical narratives and heritage of India’s neighboringcountries.

Akhand Bharat as an Electioneering Tactic by the Right Wing

The concept of Akhand Bharat has emerged as a powerful tool employed by BJP-RSS, to sway the majority of voters during elections. In the current political landscape, the lack of in-depth political knowledge among India’s youth has made them susceptible to manipulation by astute political leaders.

The BJP-RSS capitalizes on this vulnerability by appealing to the youth’s sense of nationalism and stoking fears through slogans like ‘Hindu khatre mein hai’ (Hindus are in danger). By framing the narrative around protecting the interests of Indians, they effectively mobilize the youth base and secure their votes.

How BJP Fulfills the Dream of RSS

The idea of Akhand Bharat has greatly influenced the policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, as they strive to fulfill the vision of the RSS. One contentious aspect that has drawn significant criticism is the Citizenship Amendment Act. This policy has raised concerns about its potential exclusionary nature, particularly targeting Muslim communities. Critics argue that by excluding Muslims, the Act grants citizenship to individuals from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. Such selective criteria have led to debates and questions regarding the inclusivity and fairness of the policy.

Another troubling development is the rise of Yogi Adityanath, a prominent BJP leader known for his strong Hindutva ideology. His advocacy for “bulldozer justice” has drawn attention and criticism, as it involves the forceful demolition of houses belonging to minorities under the pretext of addressing illegal constructions or corruption. These actions have raised questions about the rule of law and the protection of individual rights in the pursuit of a particular ideological agenda. 

Illustration: BJP demolishing Muslim homes

India’s Neighbors Grapple with Insecurities amid BJP’s “Akhand Bharat” Promotion

The inclusion of Tibet in the concept of Akhand Bharat raises even greater concern due to the ongoing denial of Indian patrols’ access to the disputed territory in Ladakh by Chinese soldiers for nearly two years. The growing power disparity between India and China during Modi’s tenure adds to the complexity.

Moreover, the Indian government’s decision to impose a supply blockade on Nepal in 2015, in an attempt to pressure the Himalayan country to amend its new secular constitution in favor of declaring a Hindu Rashtra, further contributes to the insecurities felt by India’s neighbors. Such actions risk straining diplomatic relationships and exacerbating tensions in the region. 

It is noteworthy that the leader of RSS himself has acknowledged that achieving AkhandBharat may take a considerable span of 10-15 years. However, we cannot disregard the pressing concerns at hand merely due to the luxury of time. It is crucial for awareness and knowledge to gradually permeate society, ensuring that this narrative is not allowed to gain dominance. The promotion of AkhandBharat poses challenges to the rights of minorities, the preservation of a diverse and rich history, and the unity of the nation. It is imperative that these concerns are addressed and that efforts are made to foster inclusivity, respect, and harmony among all communities within India. 

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  1. And who made that map? Someone give him BharatRatna prize.
    That dumb placed Assam in the hart of Bangladesh.

  2. They are just abasing themselves. It’s true that India is a powerful country right now due to their over a billion population but it’s a failure. Failed cause of BJP rule. They are too busy abashing Muslims.
    Fu*k that horrendous Modi and BJP.

  3. Correction the first and last Akhand Bharat was created by Aurangzeb alamgir and he rh was the one who first unified the Indian subcontinent under one government and he was a Muslim so there were two times India was unified with Pakistan and Bangladesh and that was under the Mughals under Aurangzeb Alamgir rh in which India flourished and became very rich and a second time under the British where the subcontinent didn’t flourish and became more poorer due to the Brahmins and the British.