Trusting in Allah: The Path to attaining True Justice for Palestine

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Muslims have placed their trust in politicians, the United Nations, and international institutions, and all have consistently failed to address the injustices faced by Palestinians.

The repeated failures of political leaders and international institutions only emphasizes the need for Muslims to place their trust in Allah, as He is the only source of divine justice.

As devout Muslims, we have been taught that our ultimate trust and faith should reside in Allah alone. However, in our quest for justice and peace, especially regarding the plight of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, we have often placed our faith in political leaders and international institutions. Time and time again, these entities have demonstrated their inability or unwillingness to address the profound injustices faced by Palestinians, prompting a critical reassessment of where our trust should truly lie.

Politicians across the globe, including those who appear sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, have consistently fallen short of delivering meaningful change. For instance, despite vocal support for Palestinian rights, many politicians, including those in the United States, have supported or failed to oppose military aid to Israel, thereby indirectly supporting actions that result in the suffering of Palestinians. The recent actions ofpolitical figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who voted in favor of a resolution supporting Israel while simultaneously showing solidarity with pro-Palestinian activists, exemplify theoften contradictory and hypocritical nature of political maneuvering.

Similarly, the United Nations, conceived as an international body to uphold peace and justice, has repeatedly proven its impotence in the face of major global inequalities. Despite the overwhelming majority of UN member states supporting resolutions for a ceasefire and a two-state solution, these efforts are routinely thwarted by the veto power of the United States. This unilateral power undermines the democratic principles upon which the UN was founded and highlights its structural flaws in addressing injustices when powerful nations with vested competing interests are involved.

The failure of the UN to prevent or stop the genocide in Gaza directly highlight its inherent limitations. When resolutions are continually vetoed and the suffering of Palestinians persists unabated, it becomes clear that international bodies may not be the bastions of justice we hoped they would be.

Perhaps most painfully of all, however, is the betrayal the Palestinian people have faced at the hands of our very own Arab and Muslim leaders. Historically, many Arab nations have made overtures of support for the Palestinian cause, but in practice, their actions have often fallen short. Some leaders have normalized relations with Israel without securing concessions for Palestinians, undermining their struggle for statehood and rights.

In light of these continuous disappointments, it becomes imperative for Muslims to reassess where they place their trust. The Quran reminds us:

“And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He [alone] is sufficient for them.”

(Quran 65:3)

This divine guidance suggests that true justice and support come from Allah, not fallible human institutions or leaders.

Trusting in Allah does not mean disengaging from the world or ceasing efforts to advocate for justice. Rather, it means recognizing that ultimate faith and reliance should be placed in Allah’s wisdom and justice. Our activism and advocacy should be grounded in this faith, allowing us to act with the confidence that comes from knowing we are supported by a higher power.

Returning to faith in Allah involves several critical aspects. First and foremost, by deepening our spiritual practices, such as prayer, fasting, and reading the Quran, we reconnect with Allahand strengthen our resolve. This spiritual renewal provides a foundation of peace and clarity, helping us navigate worldly challenges with a sense of divine purpose.

Furthermore, trusting in Allah also means fostering unity within the Muslim community. By coming together in faith, Muslims can support each other and amplify their collective voice against injustices. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of the Ummah (Muslim community) acting as a single body:

“The believers, in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion, are like one body; if one part feels pain, the whole body responds with wakefulness and fever.”

(Sahih Muslim).

Additionally, putting our faith in Allah calls for a commitment to moral and ethical consistency. While political alliances and strategies may shift, our core values rooted in justice, compassion, and truth should remain steadfast. This consistency reflects our trust in divine guidance over deceitful and hypocritical political maneuvering.

Moreover, trusting in Allah empowers Muslims to act with conviction and resilience, knowing that ultimate justice lies in His hands. This faith-driven empowerment encourages proactive engagement in social and political issues, grounded in the belief that our efforts are part of a larger, divinely orchestrated plan.

Finally, the Quran and Hadith are rich with instances where divine intervention supports the oppressed. By putting our trust in Allah, we align ourselves with this divine advocacy, trusting that, as stated in the Quran:

“Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”

(Quran 2:153)

This belief sustains us through trials and reinforces our commitment to seeking justice.

The repeated failures of politicians and international bodies like the United Nations in addressing the Palestinian plight compel us to reevaluate where we place our trust. As Muslims, it is essential to remember that while we engage in worldly efforts for justice, our ultimate faith and reliance must be on Allah. By returning our faith to Allah, we align ourselves with the true source of justice and strength, ensuring that our actions are rooted in divine guidance and support. In this way, we can continue to advocate for our Palestinian brothers and sisters with renewed vigor and unwavering faith.

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