The Islamic Republic of Pakistan Is Silencing Support for Palestine

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Islamabad police recently blocked a pro-Palestine rally led by former Senator Mushtaq Ahmed from approaching the US Embassy, resulting in several arrests.

The Pakistani government are limiting pro-Palestine media coverage and protest visibility, this as a reflection of its perceived alignment with US interests.

A fortnight ago, Islamabad police blocked a pro-Palestine rally led by former Senator Mushtaq Ahmed, preventing it from advancing towards the US Embassy at Abpara Chowk.

The protesters maintained a peaceful stance, refraining from any confrontation with the police. Nevertheless, the police launched an operation, leading to the arrests of numerous demonstrators. Credible sources indicate that Pakistani media have depicted the incident quite differently, claiming that protesters turned violent against law enforcement. Senator Mushtaq, along with approximately 20 demonstrators, were unjustly detained.

The protest was orchestrated by the Muslim Tulba Mahaz under the leadership of Senator Mushtaq. A substantial police presence was stationed on both sides of Abpara Market Road in anticipation of the demonstration.

Following Friday prayers at Jamia Masjid Shuhada, protestors attempted to march towards the US Embassy, but their efforts were met with what witnesses characterised as excessive force by the police to disperse the crowd. Senator Mushtaq himself was reportedly subjected to brutal treatment by the police during the incident. Additionally, police shut down Abpara Market, prompting objection from shopkeepers.

During a separate pro-Palestine protest held in Islamabad in September, Senator Mushtaq Ahmed was detained:

It is deeply concerning that in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, citizens are being denied the opportunity to express solidarity with their Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, who are enduring unspeakable suffering in an ongoing, live-streamed genocide.

Furthermore, the Pakistani government has actively obstructed efforts to channel support for Palestine to news outlets and to prevent protests by Pakistanis from reaching the mainstream media.

Pakistan’s ruling party has long been criticised for its perceived subservience to the United States. This is especially disheartening, considering Pakistan was founded on the principle of la ilaha illallah (there is no God but Allah).

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