The Blood Brothers Podcast: Orchestrating Conversations between a Conservative Muslim & the Far right!

Reading Time: 6 minutes
  • This article delves into the possible impact of Muslims finding common ground with individuals from the far right.
  • It explores the schism inherent within the far-right ideology, delineating between those who ardently champion Zionism and those who perceive its inherent peril.

Gordon Bennett! What’s going on here? Buckle in folks, for the latest Blood Brothers podcast episodes, as they feature some truly jaw-dropping guests!

Crafted and hosted by our brother Dilly Hussain, Deputy Editor of the 5 Pillars News website, this podcast marks a groundbreaking moment. For the first time, we observe an orthodox Muslim engaging in dialogues with members of the far right such as Nick Griffin, Jim Dawson and Jada Fransen. Topics once deemed inconceivable are covered in the episodes in a candid manner.

This has in turn, garnered the attention of the Houses of Parliament and irked Michael Gove.

But let’s switch gears for a second:

South Asian immigrants of older generations who navigated the streets of the UK during the 1970s and 1980s recount enduring episodes of ‘Paki bashing. They share how they had to endure brutal assaults from far-right skinhead thugs.

Consequently, many had to defend, not only themselves but also their families, homes, livelihoods and moreover, their honour. Thus, the recent developments on the podcast have left them incredulous.

In these episodes, certain moments offer indispensable yet discomforting revelations, particularly in light of the guests’ historical instigating of rampant Islamophobia and the propagation of mass misinformation regarding Islam and Muslims. While we oppose many sentiments expressed by the guests, accentuating our shared objectives and mutual ground serves our interests. It remains paramount to recognise that the far-right are not our friends. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy, is my friend’. Consequently, The Blood Brothers team’s strategic acumen is commendable. Their endeavours assume profound significance in reshaping prevailing narratives concerning Zionism. Furthermore, this endeavour may assist in protecting the rights of religious communities concerning LGBTQ issues and family values in the UK.

Nick Griffin, formal leader of the British Nationalist Party and former member of the European Parliament

NG: No.
Some of the most effective criticism of Zionism and Talmudism comes from them. It has done for years... Benjamin Freeman, Israel Shamir. The UNZ review, people should look at it....Obviously we've got a problem with Zionism.
But in the context of Palestine they can't help themselves but to be hostile to anybody who's in the land between the Nile and the Euphrates because they believe that is given to them by God and that it's special because they are the only real human beings. I think that's a racism that's a menace but I do not for one second believe all Jews are like that.
There are people on the left who say that Zionism is wicked and there has to be a proper, fair settlement with the Palestinians and then there's religious
Jews who say for man to have created a state is blasphemy, we want it dismantled. They're not a vast section but they're a genuine section.

It’s imperative to highlight, Islam is a complete and comprehensive way of life that stands on its own merits.

Islam does not seek validation from any external ideologies, as its superiority is self-evident.Therefore, it does not require endorsement from individuals across the political spectrum to affirm its teachings.

It is interesting, however, how Jim Dawson expressed admiration for the attire of Muslim women. He drew parallels with the dressing habits that Christian women once had in the UK, including his own mother.

Dawson’s reference to Tommy Robinson is unfavourable. Likewise, Jayda Fransen disapproves of Robinson and Katie Hopkins’ unwavering support for the Israeli Zionist entity.

Tommy Robinson: The Brains of Great Britain!

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon otherwise known as Tommy Robinson.

Robinson’s relationship with Israel resembles a disposable pawn on a chessboard – discarded the moment he’s no longer useful!

Prior to October 7th, Robinson posed as a liability, marked by frequent arrests and bans from social media platforms.

However, in the midst of the World War 2 memorial week, Robinson began fervently peddling his Israeli-funded propaganda. But his relevance and credibility have since plummeted faster than a squirrel on a waterslide!

To acquire a modicum of significance, Robinson relies on the acknowledgement of prominent Muslim names as his measure of success. For an example, the recent back and forth he has had with Mohammed Hijab on X.

Tommy Robinson persists in his propagation of Islamophobia and fear-mongering:

Recently, yet another court case was brought against Robinson. On this particular occasion, it was dismissed. However, without a doubt, Robinson will inevitably do something stupid again, violating the law, fomenting violence and animosity against Muslims, and perpetuating his repugnant rhetoric at any given opportunity.

Curiously, as a Christian, Robinson priorities his hatred towards Muslims over the plight of countless Christian Palestinians who face persecution and are deprived of the freedom to practice their religion openly.

Robinson is the blend in guy: the guy that spouts how you should assimilate whilst being the first to look for a british pub in Tenerife.

“We don’t want Muslims in our country!”

Our brother Dilly responds:

Jayda Fransen, former deputy leader of Britain First and EDL member

Yesterday evening, a significant number of us were captivated by the engaging, intriguing, and candid conversation between Hussain and Fransen.

We were presented with a new dimension of Fransen—one characterised by vulnerability during particular moments of the podcast and by sound articulation and authenticity throughout. These aspects had not been as prominently displayed before. This could be attributed to the collective recollection of Jayda’s notable confrontational actions outside East London Mosque, where she vehemently pointed her finger and shouted at brother Ali Dawah.

Jayda conveyed to Brother Dilly that he doesn’t belong in the UK, elaborating on her nationalist views and emphasising her belief that nationalism isn’t rooted in hatred. Conversely, as Muslims, we believe that nationalism is incompatible with Islam.

Interestingly, a recurring theme among the far-right guests on the Blood Brothers podcast is the perceived loss of the white British identity.

The comments section on the Blood Brothers YouTube channel is predictably brimming with Muslims getting over excited (as we always do). However, one particular comment caught my attention:

Jayda emphasised that Christians ought to look to the Muslim community as an example to emulate. She urged them to introspect rather than solely focusing on denigrating Muslims and blaming Muslims for all of their issues. This perspective was particularly refreshing, especially considering the actions of News anchors on platform such as GB News and Christian missionaries in places such as Speakers Corner. It’s intriguing to observe that when Christians engage in such behaviour, they ultimately inflict harm upon their own communities.

Conversations like these demonstrate emotional intelligence and are vitally important and productive. They foster mutual understanding between communities, dispelling fear of the unknown and challenging liberal and Zionist agendas. As mentioned earlier, we do not align ourselves with the far right, and many of their perspectives remain problematic. Yet, we find ourselves sharing more common ground with certain individuals from this ideology than we might have initially realised.

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