Swap Coca-Cola with Palestine Drinks & support Palestinian charities Today!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

● Palestinians based in Sweden launched their own Coca-Cola alternative to support Palestinian charities

● The business opportunities are endless for Muslim entrepreneurs who want to strengthen the Ummah.

Coca-Cola has been making an absolute fortune from Muslim countries as well as Muslim consumers all over the world and even if the boycott is still going strong, unfortunately, we can still see this brand in some of our favourite restaurants and takeaways.

Even though, it is not the first or the only alternative to Coca-Cola, Palestine Drinks is an amazing project created by 2 Palestinian brothers based in Sweden, under the company called Safad Food AB. Most of their employees are also of Palestinian origin and they vowed to give all the profits to charities supporting the Palestinians. Yes, 100% of it!

On their website, the company offers different flavours and explains its sense of community that triggered the project.

The success has been immediate explained Mohamed Kiswani. It started in November 2023 and the drink was launched on the market beginning of March 2024. The whole stock was gone in the very first week Masha Allah.

They plan to conquer most of the continents in the next couple of years and they are already getting multiple requests from consumers to come to their countries.

The thirst for alternatives is real and very strong. Many Muslims find it frustrating to have to use businesses that constantly disregard their values while taking billions out of their wallets.

The Palestine Drinks project is proof that Muslims are keen to change their habits and swap current suppliers for new ones that respect what they stand for. Billions are to be made if Muslims decide to create their own businesses and solutions.

Manufacturing our own Food and Beverages Goods would be a guarantee that they are truly halal.

Turkiye has already developed its economy by attending to Muslim consumer’s needs worldwide and its economy is much stronger than many European countries.

Muslim consumers worldwide have a huge power that they are not using at the moment. Taking control of what they represent economically should drastically change the world dynamics in terms of geo-politics.

This is also an opportunity to better our quality of life as Muslim citizens. It is not a secret that many Muslims in the West are among the poorest citizens and often struggle to find a job, because of their hijabs or their beards. It is virtually impossible for a Muslim hijabi in France to work in an office. She may be requested to wear a simple bonnet on her head if she is lucky enough to be a cleaner. If she decides to take off her hijab altogether, the length of her dress might also be scrutinized as we know for a fact that this happened before.

This project shows us that the opportunities are many and success is nearly certain if only Muslims are proactive and start offering alternatives to current products and services.

We wish Palestine Drinks as well as all Muslim start-ups and enterprises, all the success in the world. We are proud of you!

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