Summer Reading Book Recommendations

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Below is a curated reading list that features both non-religious works and Islamic literature. Please note that the Islamic book recommendations are non-sectarian and encompass works from all four schools of thoughts.


Orientalism Edward W.Said

Orientalism is a groundbreaking work that reshaped the discourse on Western perceptions of the East. Said’s incisive critique reveals how Western scholarship and cultural narratives have distorted Eastern societies, influencing imperialism, colonialism, and global power dynamics, and fundamentally altering our understanding of East-West relations.

The Forbidden Prophecies by Abu Zakariya

I enjoy reading this brother’s work, as his books are highly insightful and presented with exceptional clarity.

‘The Forbidden Prophecies’ by Abu Zakaria delves into esoteric themes, presenting a blend of suspense and mystery as the best and only truth is saved until last. Its engrossing hidden prophecies make it a riveting read for enthusiasts of historical fiction imbued with supernatural elements and the fulfilled prophecies of Islam.

Feminism and Gender Roles

The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell

An important read: Farrell highlights the significant challenges in family law and social expectations that undermine the well-being and autonomy of men in the West.

Gender Trouble by Judith Butler

This work serves as a discursive tool in critiquing the feminist endeavour. It illuminates, among other aspects, the self-undermining tendencies inherent within feminism as a philosophical framework. Butler argues that gender is a social construct.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

If you are yet to get your hands on this book, I would highly recommend it. Gray offers invaluable insights into psychological gender differences. He provides strategies for achieving harmony between men and women, enhancing communication and empathy, making it a treasured read in contemporary relationship literature.

Heart softeners (spirituality)

The Key to Paradise by Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali

The Key to Paradise delivers a profound and direct exploration of the ailments of the heart, offering direct and insightful guidance on the path to attaining closeness to Allah.

Kimiya-e Saadat The Alchemy of Happiness Al Ghazali 

This book has been exceptionally transformative for me, deserving of multiple readings. Although Ihya’ Ulum al-Din is universally acknowledged as Al-Ghazali’s most eminent work, Kimiya-e Saadat occupies a pivotal and esteemed place in his corpus of work, written towards the end of his life.

The Book of Remembrances by Imam Yahya Ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi

This is a valuable resource for Muslims, as an extension to your daily adkhar apps. Beyond du’as, this book includes authentic hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), prayers for various life situations, guidelines on performing dhikr, and spiritual reflections on the importance of consistent engagement and mindfulness.

Essay on the Heart by ibn Taymiyyah

Ibn Taymiyyah, the distinguished 13th-century Islamic scholar, theologian, and jurist, stands as one of the most penetrating and influential figures in Islamic history. Ibn Taymiyyah’s ‘Essay on the Heart’ takes upon a profound exploration of the heart’s pivotal role in spiritual life, offering clear and practical guidance on purifying the heart and safeguarding it from spiritual ailments such as hypocrisy and arrogance.

The Beginning of Guidance by Imam Al-Ghazali

Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, the preeminent 11th-century Islamic philosopher and theologian, produced works that impacted not only the Islamic world but Christian theologian Thomas Aquinas.

‘The Beginning of Guidance’ can be regarded as a foundational precursor to Al-Ghazali’s more extensive works. In this concise yet powerful text, he outlines practical steps to achieve God-consciousness (taqwā), emphasising that its essence begins with outward practices and culminates in internal realisation through adherence to Allah’s commands.

Islamic literature

The Ordinances of Government by Al-Marwadi

The Ordinances of Government by Al-Mawardi is a seminal work that is as a cornerstone in Islamic political theory and governance. This treatise meticulously delineates the principles and structures of Islamic administration, offering a comprehensive framework for effective and just rule.

Hujjatullah al-Baligha (The Conclusive Argument from God) by Shah Waliullah al-Dihlawi

Shah Waliullah Dehlwai, the eminent 18th-century theologian, played a pivotal role in the dissemination of Islam in India and the subcontinent. Hujjatullah al-Baligha is one of his most significant and influential works. It contains great intellectual depth in its role for articulating a rational foundation for Islamic belief and practice. He covers the rational basis for Islam, revelation and Prophethood, Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence, as well as a critique of other philosophies.


Tiger, The life of Tipu Sultan by Kate Brtittlebank

A compelling account of India’s first freedom fighter, concisely and well written, with thorough research underpinning the narrative.

Servants of Allah by Sylviane A. Diouf

“Servants of Allah” by Sylviane Diouf is an essential read for those seeking to understand the rich and often overlooked history of African Muslims in the Americas. The resilience of these heroic figures who were resolute in holding onto their faith during the horrors of enslavement is truly felt through these pages.


The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Muhammad Ali, The soul of a butterfly
Bruce Lee: A Life by Mathew Polly
The Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel
Khadijah, the story of Islam’s First Lady by Fatima Barkatulla

Barkatulla beautifully chronicles the life of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Prophet Mohammed (saw) in story tale format. Her attention to detail bring to light Khadijah RA’s significant role as a pioneering figure in early Islam, highlighting her unwavering support, wisdom, and contributions to the nascent Muslim community.

A Biographical study of one of the greatest MilitaryGenerals in history by Lieutenant General A.I. Akram

This biography not only celebrates Khalid bin Waleed RA’s tactical genius and leadership but also provides valuable lessons in strategy, resilience, and faith. Its thorough and engaging account makes it a compelling read, especially considering it was authored by a military professional.

Aisha The wife, The companion, The scholar by Resit Haylamaz

This well researched and concise biography offers an exploration of who Aisha RA was, her contribution to Islamic jurisprudence and her lasting impact on Muslim society, making it an invaluable read.


The Seerah by Asim Khan

‘The Sealed Nectar’ and ‘When the Moon Split’


Nafsi by Kashmir Maryam

This compilation of poems explores the most inner struggles of man and self-reflection. Maryam’s words convey powerful emotions and insights through its poetic form.

Asrar-i Khudi by Allama Iqbal

Known to be Iqbal’s best work, this collection of poems delves into self-realisation, advocating for active engagement and purposeful action in the pursuit of personal and societal growth.


Jesus Man Messenger Messiah by Abu Zakariya

Atheism & Nihilism

The Divine Reality by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

This book is truly groundbreaking in its field.

Islam and Nihilism My Poison and My Cure by Yusuf Ponders

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