Pro Athletes on Training During Ramadan

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Observing Ramadan has enhanced the performance of professional athletes like Hakeem Olajuwon and Jaylen Brown.

Belal Muhammad stresses tailored training regimens for peek performance while observing Ramadan.

Embraced by the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims, Ramadan stands as a sacred month marked by fasting, prayer, and introspection, fostering profound spiritual enrichment and, notably, offering discernible physical benefits as well.

Most of us are aware of the plethora of research on the amazing health benefits fasting has on the human body but let’s take a closer look at the work carried out by Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for his research on how cells recycle and renew their content, a process called autophagy. He asserts that fasting activates autophagy, which helps slow down the aging process and has a positive impact on cell renewal. Ohsumi concludes that during starvation, cells break down proteins and other cell components and use them for energy. 

UFC Star, Belal Muhammad 

When questioned about training during Ramadan, Muhammad replied: “You’ve got to know what works for your body and what doesn’t. I ensure I put the right liquids in my body”

The UFC star continued to describe his training regimen: A brief period of rest precedes a two-hour training session in the late morning, followed by another interval of rest. Later in the afternoon, as the time to break his fast approaches, he engages in weight training. Opting for a light meal to break his fast, Muhammad ensures he maintains a balance, as he anticipates another rigorous training session in the evening and then eats a heavy meal later. 

Radwan Bakkali, Basketball League

“When your body is not focusing on digesting food, you have all that energy to just focus on what you’re actually doing. I find I feel more dialled in – more efficient”, Bakkali said.

Footballer Star, Antonio Rüdiger

When asked if Ramadan changes anything for a footballer, the Germany’s football hero replied:

“For me, no, l’m used to it. I don’t eat anything, I don’t drink anything, I strictly respect it. It’s not easy, but you practice, you tap into your head and you get there. This is one of the main weapons I have, the mentality. In the end, doing Ramadan is not a problem for me.”

NBA Stars

Take Hakeem Olajuwon for an example, in 1994-1995 NBA season, Olajuwon played 15 games during Ramadan. In those 15 games, he averaged 29 points, 10 rebounds, and 3.3 blocks. 

More recently, muslim players, such as Kyrie Irving and Jaylen Brown, exemplify Hakeem’s behaviour. Kyrie Irving has illustrated stellar performances as an athlete whilst abstaining from food and drink during Ramadan.

Irving put up 37 points against the Philadelphia 76ers and 32 points against the New Orleans Pelicans in Ramadan 2021. His playmaking abilities have also been able to shine as he has been averaging 8.5 assists since Ramadan had begun.  

Similarly, Jaylen Brown has played exceptionally well during the playoffs in Ramadan by scoring 40 points in 32 minutes against one of the top-rated defences, the Los Angeles Lakers.

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