“People of the Arab World, what are you waiting for” asks daughter of Che Guevara

Reading Time: 2 minutes

● This article addresses the message of Dr Aleida Guevara for Arabs and Palestinians

● Ernesto Guevara and Cuba are historic supporters of a Free Palestine

It is with much emotion that Dr Aleida Guevara, daughter of the famous Che Guevara, has made her call to the Arab nations and to the Palestinians.

To the Arabs, she starts by asking what they are waiting for. She explains that Cuba, where she lives, is very far away but Arab nations are there in the region and if they do not stop Israel, where will the Zionist stop? Who will be next?

It is not a secret that the Zionist have this dream of creating the Greater Israel and Dr Aleida Guevara asks here a very legitimate question. Palestine will not be enough and countries like Lebanon and Syria have already been hit at their respective borders.

She is pleading for the Arabs to be united as a people and keep in mind that they are defending “their blood, their culture, their lives.”

It’s, of course, important to note that for Muslims, Palestine is not confined to an Arab issue, as Muslims are one.

She then turns to the Palestinians and tells them how sorry she is not to be there with them. For her, solidarity is not lip service but action.  As a doctor, she feels that her real place is among them, to help. “I can be there. I must be there” she says. She offers them her services and explains that what matters is not to be alive but to be steadfast and truly supportive of one another.

For her, “Love and respect are not enough as we also need to mention strength. “ And she adds, very confidently: “Vinceremos!” “We will win!”

Dr Aleida Guevara lives in Cuba, a small island that has cut ties with the Zionist entity in solidarity with the Palestinians, in September 1973, during a summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Algeria. Cuba no longer recognises the existence of Israel, which unfortunately, is more than some Arab nations can claim today.

Dr Aleida Guevara explained to the Media that she does not understand this normalization of nations with Israel and that it goes against what is right.

Her famous father, Ernesto Che Guevara, originally from Argentina, visited Gaza in 1959, in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.

Since 1959, the situation has worsened for the people of Gaza and we can reasonably talk of a second Nakba, worse than the first one.

The latino-American world has been very supportive of Gaza so far, with strong condemnations of Israel by countries like Venezuela, Colombia and Spain.

Venezuela and Bolivia do not recognise it as a legitimate country, unlike Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, UAE, Bahrein and Sudan.

As Dr Aleida Guevara said, with or without the support of those countries, “we will win” insha Allah!

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