Paris Bedbug Scare Spurs Call for Covering Up, Yet Abayas Banned in French Schools

Reading Time: 2 minutes
  • French residents are urged to wear protective clothing due to a recent bedbug surge in Paris, particularly in public transportation, cinemas, and medical facilities.
  • There is an intriguing contrast between the advice to protect against bedbugs and a ban on abayas in schools. In addition, a French journalist has linked the bedbug issue to the ‘arrival of immigrants’ and their ‘hygiene practises’. His comments have sparked much outrage.

French residents have received counsel to wear protective attire, guarding against the recent bedbug surge afflicting Paris. The French government has initiated a concerted campaign to combat this bedbug proliferation, observed in significant numbers within public transportation, cinemas, and medical facilities. Online video footage vividly portrays the insects navigating the seats of the Paris metro, high-speed trains, and Charles de-Gaulle-airport.

These concerns have acquired increased significance as France finds itself in the midst of hosting the Rugby World Cup, while Paris makes preparations to host athletes and enthusiasts from across the globe for the 2024 Olympics.

Health experts advise citizens to shield their bodies from bedbug bites, emphasising the need for coverage, all the while maintaining a ban on abayas within schools, a garment which conceals the entire body of a female. The glaring incongruity within these directives is truly intriguing. Moreover, the instruction from the French authorities has further exposed their rampant Islamophobia. The situation exhibits a remarkable irony.

Meanwhile, Pascal Praud, a television presenter associated with the CNews channel, has suggested a possible connection between the bedbug surge and the arrival of immigrants to the country, insinuating disparities in hygiene practices between newcomers and those residing on ‘French soil’.

Pictured: Pascal Praud. Credit-Daily Mail

France’s minister for the fight against discriminations, Bérangère Couillard said, “I will never accept hate speech in the media,’ Couillard added that Praud’s comments were ‘shocking’.

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