Pakistani Dramas Contribute towards Ideological Colonisation

Reading Time: 4 minutes
  • Pakistani Dramas evidently impede the prospect of a progressive Islamic society.
  • A study of conservative Muslims who were exposed to Drama serials, depicting Transgenders through a positive lens, illustrates a dramatic shift in perceptions.

Tina Kurbrak, of the Institute of Psychology (A Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) conducted a study in 2020 regarding the impact of films on young people. 70 university students were made to watch a film which depicted elderly people in a stereotypical manner. Kurbrak deduced from her findings that perceptions towards the elderly had dramatically shifted in the majority of participants before and after watching the film. As a consequence of being exposed to the piece of cinema, they began to see the elderly through a derogative lens.

Here we see how the exposure of preconceived notions and behaviours, depicted through cinema and drama can manipulate and indoctrinate the masses. Moreover, have far-reaching, social ramifications. These can not only cause a severe hindrance to family relations and society at large but can subsequently, cause a detrimental effect on our covenant with Allah swt, in trying our best to adhere to the principles and guidelines of Islam. For instance, in relation to the study above, striving towards giving the elderly their rights. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet Mohammed (saw) said,

“Anyone who does not show mercy to our children nor acknowledge the right of our old people is not one of us.”


Taking this into consideration, it is imperative to dissect the widespread phenomenon of Pakistani Drama serials that have entered into many homes in and outside of Pakistan. Thus attempting to conceptualise liberal agendas such as, Feminism, Individualism and LGBTQ. This of course, is blended in with a strange concoction of cultural norms adopted from India- such as, family shame and the caste system etc..

The dreaded ‘monster-in-law’ has historically been a storyline that has been a reoccurring theme in many serials; the helpless daughter-in-law who is doomed for the rest of her life, the emasculated son, who is blindly obedient and always sides with his mother (irrespective of the oppression he may witness), a man who is incompetent in equally fulfilling the rights of his mother and wife, and of course, the ominous, heartless mother in law from hell, who shows no mercy! Dramas such as ‘Mere Humsafar’, ‘Wehem’ and ‘Sabeen’ are to a name but a few, and have reached much success. This reoccurring outcome witnessed by the viewer, will inevitably obscure how unmarried women/a new bride may wish to kick start new relations in her life, prior to/upon entering a marriage, i.e. believing that her husband is incompetent in being her protector and being a just leader. Furthermore, having a pre-conceived perception that her mother-in-law is bound to be her secret enemy, as ‘all mother-in-laws are ghastly’.

‘Khuda Mera Bhai’ (the title itself here ought to ring alarm bells) and ‘Alif Allah Aur Insan’, depict the storylines of transgender individuals. Both dramas showcase a positive attitude towards transgenderism. Interestingly, the research paper, conducted by Saima Waheed of Punjab University, Pakistan, concludes that attitudes of a typically more conservative TV audience became increasingly favourable towards transgenders, in relation to the amount of episodes consumed. The acceptance and welcoming of Transgenderism will in turn, cause a detriment to the health of individuals, as, Transgender Adults have higher rates of disability than their cisgender counterparts. This particular study examined 1,400,043 adults, aged 18 & older, across 43 different states in America. Madeline-Smith Johnson of Rice University Texas, concludes that Transgenders Adults have more disabilities than Cisgender people: 22% of Transgender people had difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions compared to 9% Cisgender men and 7% Cisgender women. In addition, 15% for Transgenders had difficulty doing errands alone compared to 5% Cisgender men and 11% Cisgender women.

It could be argued that not all Pakistani Dramas convey the same messaging. There are of course exceptions that can be found in the plethora of choices. However, the overwhelming messaging that is received by the audience, challenges the morals and ethics derived from the beautiful religion of Islam.

It could also be argued that there have been some Dramas (fewer than the majority) that promote spirituality. Take for instance, ‘Meri Zaat Zara-e-Benishan‘ where the female lead holds onto her faith in Allah, this in turn, makes her stronger than those conspiring against her. However, irrespective of this, what merit does watching hours upon hours of Drama serials bring to ones life? The exposure of actresses often dressed in figure hugging salwar kameez’s, haram music, and a mind numbing preoccupation of the mind which will only satiate Shaytan, in his quest to deter us from productivity. This surely cannot be good for any Muslim. It could also be argued that many characters depicted in such serials are household names for many Pakistanis, and in an attempt to ‘Keep up with the Joneses’ many aunties and youngsters alike, develop a need to watch such nonsensical shows. However, we must remember that as Muslims we are taught that we are the ‘ghuraba’/strangers, this is something that we ought to take pride in. Muslims were never designed by Allah to fit in with the status quo, we are far too exceptional for that.

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and salutations be upon him said, “Islam began as something strange and will return as something strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers”.

Sunan at-Tirmidhi (2629)

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  1. Finally someone spoke against the degeneracy of Pakistani dramas and tbh aunties just watch these dramas for time pass, They know the dramas are horrible

    I have rarely seen anyone who is being influenced by these dramas but I do agree the youngsters are definitely getting some ideas like Gf/Bf relationship from these dramas

  2. I’ll be straight, they’re promoting feminism, like that “men are trash, animals, kill all men” etc kind of feminism

  3. I would say it was in my mind from de decades like dramas are not fair with the reality…. It is far then the society and Islam…. It shows stupid if stupid ideology..