Muslims and Christians join Forces to Counter LGBTQ Advocacy Amidst Pride Month

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  • Muslims and Christians in Alberta, Ontario, and even California join hands to march against the spread of the LGBTQ agenda in schools with chants- “Leave Our Kids Alone”. 
  • Amongst the folding of such events, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf promotes home schooling as ‘woke’ public schools brainwash children into insanity. 

Unifying Voices: Muslims and Christians Come Together to Amplify their Voices on the LGBTQ debate

This ongoing month of June which has been labelled as ‘pride month’ by the LGBTQ people, there has been a noticeable rise in protests against their motto, particularly focusing on their alleged influence on children. These protests have gained attention as Muslim and Christian parents in Alberta join forces to express their concerns about what they perceive as LGBTQ propaganda infiltrating schools. Chanting slogans like “We stand together as Muslims and Christians to protect our children”. These parents also held posters reading “#Let kids be kids” and “School is not a place for political activism” reflecting their concerns about the role of schools in shaping children’s values in the name of ‘classroom grooming’. Just a few days ago, a group of Muslim parents staged a protest outside the Montgomery County Maryland School Board as it decided to remove the opt-out option from human sexuality subjects. This decision sparked outrage among parents who believe it is their right to safeguard the well-being of their children.

Children Question “I identify as…”

A 13-year-old student faced backlash from her teacher after questioning a classmate’s identification as a cat. At Rye College in East Sussex, the student was chided by her teacher during a class on “life education.” The teacher, representing a Church of England school, accused the student of expressing an unacceptable view that only boys and girls exist. The exchange escalated into a heated argument, with the teacher referring to the student as “despicable” for challenging the notion of gender identity and complaining about her to the seniors. The woke teacher said such views are not accepted in her lessons. 
Elevation in Views and Percentage of People Against the Propaganda

In light of these events, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, a prominent Muslim scholar, has spoken out against sending children to schools where he believes a transgender agenda is brainwashing them. Sheikh Yusuf advocates for homeschooling and conservative schooling environments to shield children from what he considers a period of social insanity. According to him, these young children are victims of manipulation and deserve protection. However, the protests and controversies surrounding LGBTQ issues in schools reflect a broader shift in public opinion. A recent poll, Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll, highlights a decrease in support for same-sex relationships compared to the previous year. The poll shows that support has dropped from 71% to 64% among Americans, indicating a significant shift in attitudes toward LGBTQ issues. This decline in support is observed across party lines, with a 6% decrease among Democrats as well, who, unlike Republicans, are strong supporters of liberalism. The below-shown section of the poll conducted between 1011 adults living in all 50 U.S. states compared the percentages of preceding years:
The middle column shows % of people who morally accept such relations and the last column shows % of people who morally don’t accept it.

In 2023, the percentage of approvers has dropped from 71% to 64%.

Lessons from The Qur’an

In the context of the ongoing debates surrounding LGBTQ issues, it is worth mentioning the Quranic verse that addresses the story of Lut AS and his people.

Allah s.w.t. says in the Qur’an:

And (remember) Lut, when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the Alamin (mankind and jinn)?

Verily, you practice your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins)”

 [al-a’raf 7:80-81]

These verses highlight the Islamic perspective on homosexuality, emphasizing that it is considered a sin and a transgression against the boundaries set by Allah s.w.t.

Ibn al-Qayyim, a prominent Islamic scholar, stated that both fornication and homosexuality involve immorality that contradicts the wisdom of Allah’s creation and commandments. According to him, engaging in homosexuality brings forth countless evils and harms. Furthermore, they would no longer feel shame before Allah s.w.t. or his creation [al-Jawab al-Kafi, p. 115].

These perspectives from the Quran and Islamic scholars play a significant role in shaping the beliefs and viewpoints of those who adhere to the Islamic faith regarding homosexuality to protect the humanity we have in us.

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