Muslim Worshippers Shot Dead by Ethiopian Security Forces!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
  • Police used teargas on Muslim worshippers outside The Grand Anwar Mosque in Addis Ababa after Friday Prayer.
  • Ethiopian Muslims are now calling for help and support in the same land that the best of Muslims sought refuge in.

Over the past few months, tens of mosques in Ethiopia’s capital have been demolished in what Ethiopian authorities say is an urban planning project. Naturally, this has sparked dismay in the worshippers who view these places as sacred and holy. Unfortunately, their dismay was met with contempt, leading to protests and a ‘clash’ between the protesters and the police. The Ethiopian Muslim community has been calling for an immediate end to the continuous destruction of their holy sites, and for them to be rebuilt. They’ve been reaching out to the Oromia Regional state and federal government offices for the past few weeks, but their requests fell on uninterested ears.

Last Friday, the Ethiopian Muslim community protested against the continuous demolition of their mosques and were met with brutal force, including over 100 arrests, dozens of injuries, and sadly, some deaths. Famous Muslim figure, Ahmedin Jebel posted on his Facebook profile which boasts just under 1 million followers: “It is heartbreaking that the government deployed force against peaceful protesters voicing opposition to the sweeping mosque demolitions.”

The incident has sent shockwaves throughout the Muslim Ethiopian community, as well as social media. Eyewitnesses report it to have been a scene of complete chaos and terror, with police officers dressed in riot gear and using excessive force to put an end to the protests. Gunshots are said to have been heard and teargas were used. The EHRC (Ethiopian Human Rights Commision) has been monitoring the situation on the grounds and has expressed deep sorrow over the government security forces’ heightened use of force. The EHRC continues to urge the relevant authorities to address the human rights violations that took place and to call those responsible to justice.

As we continue to keep our brothers and sisters in our prayers, let us not forget the nature of the land this is all unfolding in. As it is the land of two hijrahs, the land where historical Muslim giants migrated to, such as the likes of Uthman ibn Affan, Ja’far ibn Abi Talib and our mother Umm Salama, may Allah be pleased with them all. Indeed, it is the land of our Prophets mu’adin and beloved friend, Bilal ibn Rabah. It is also the land of the Righteous Najashi, whom the Prophet peace be upon him said of him, that he is a King whom under him, no one is wronged.

Allah SWT says in the Quran in Surah Baqarah, Verse 114: “Who does more wrong than those who prevent Allah’s Name from being mentioned in His places of worship and strive to destroy them? Such people have no right to enter these places except with fear.1 For them is disgrace in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.” Although, our brothers and sisters are currently being martyred and oppressed for their opposition to the destruction of their mosques, it seems the perpetrators are in a worse off position and the promise of Allah is always true.

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