Muslim Pro-Palestinian Woman Exonerated Over Satirical “Coconut” Placard at Rally

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The judge’s ruling came after a two-day trial. It was concluded that the placard was a “part of the genre of political satire.”

Following her arrest, Hussain faced late-night visits from the police, a media smear campaign, resulting in the loss of her job and the displacement of her family.

A heavily pregnant Muslim teacher who carried a satirical placard at a pro-Palestinian demonstration has been found not guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence. The placard in question depicted Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman as coconuts.

Marieha Hussain, 37 from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire pleaded ‘not guilty’ at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Friday.

Hussain’s defence asserted firmly how the placard was not racist, but satirical and humorous. 

Following Hussain’s arrest, there was significant online outrage, particularly given that the use of satire in political activism is deeply rooted in British culture.

The “not guilty” or “no case to answer” verdict in Marieha Hussain’s trial represents a restoration of reason. It exposes what was always a politically motivated prosecution designed to suppress criticism of politicians complicit in the Gaza genocide.

Hussain’s ordeal highlights the disturbing tactics employed by the British state to stifle and intimidate its own citizens’ freedom of speech. This is all in defence of a foreign nation’s genocidal campaign. Over the course of several months, Hussain faced relentless harassment, including a degrading police interview, late-night visits from the police, and a defamatory media smear campaign, which resulted in the loss of her teaching job and the temporary displacement of her family for their safety.

Marieha Hussain holds a satirical placard at a pro-Palestine demonstration on Saturday November 14, 2023

Though this outcome is undeniably positive, Marieha’s case stands as a stark reminder of the continuing injustices endured by those who speak out against the UK’s complicity in the Gaza genocide. Others, such as Professor Kehinde Andrews, activists Majid Freeman and Richard Barnard from Palestine Action, and journalists Sarah Wilkinson and Richard Medhurst, have faced similar challenges.

Naila Ahmed, Head of Campaigns at CAGE International, remarked:

“It’s scandalous that a heavily pregnant mother ever needed to stand trial for expressing a political opinion. This prosecution has been vindictive from the very start. It will be a huge relief for Marieha and her family that this ordeal is now over, and she can put all this behind her.

We hope today's verdict brings an end to these politicised prosecutions, particularly leading to the dismissal of charges of the Coconut 6, who stand accused of the same alleged offence.

The state is increasingly exploring insidious ways to prosecute activists, especially those taking action for PalestineHowever, we will not be silenced in exposing the war crimes and genocide perpetrated by the apartheid Israeli state—Palestine will be free.”

The following statement of Hussain was read in court:

The judge’s ruling came after a two-day trial. It was concluded that the placard was a “part of the genre of political satire.”

Hussain’s defence counsel, Rajiv Menon KC, said Hussain was a woman of “impeccable character”, adding: “It would be a tragedy – I use that word advisedly – for her to be convicted of a racially aggravated offence when she quite obviously does not have a racist bone in her body.”

Following her acquittal, Hussain released the following statement:

“I must start by thanking God for giving me the patience and strength to withstand the trials and tribulations of the last 10 months. It had led me to my outstanding legal team who defended me. CAGE who have advocated for me, and academics like Nels Abbey, who have supported me.

Despite pressure from the CPS and police. Judge Vanessa Lloyd has seen through this political prosecution and I have found some justice today. The damage to my reputation and image can never be undone but I am proud to have defended the principle that our language and political critique is not illegal.

The laws on hate speech must serve to protect us all, but this trial shows us that these laws are being weaponised to target ethnic minorities and in my case crack down on pro-Palestine political dissent.

It goes without saying this has been an agonising ordeal for my family and I. Instead of enjoying my pregnancy, I have been vilified in the media, lost my career and dragged through the court system, in what can only be described as a politically motivated show trial.

Although it may seem like I lost it all, in actual fact I have been liberated- free to openly call out genocide enablers wherever I find them. Nearly a a year on from the genocide in Gaza, and despite this trial, I am more determined than ever to using my voice in defend Palestine.

FREE FREE Palestine”

Following our sister’s victory, we pray for a swift acquittal for the Coconut 6, who stood in defence of Hussain in June. They face the same alleged charges.

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