Mind-blowing Qur’an Miracle—Ready to Covert?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This article delves into the numerical miracles found in the Qur’an.

It presents compelling evidence that affirms the Qur’an’s divine origin.

Brace yourself for the numerical miracles within the Qur’an, divinely embedded by Allah (swt). If this doesn’t blow you away, nothing will!

So, chapter 32 is called “Sajdah” (Prostration)…

There are 30 verses.

The prostration verse is verse 15. 

And lo and behold, it has exactly 15 words, not to mention the word “prostration” is the 186th word in the chapter. And if we add 1, 8 and 6 together, what do we get? 15, which is the verse number of prostration. 

Let’s take the prostration verse, multiply it by two, we get 30, which is the total amount of verses in this chapter. Let’s also take 186, which is the position the word “prostration” comes in the chapter. We multiply that by two, we get 372. Which is the total number of words in this chapter.

Surah Nuh

Let’s look at chapter 71, which is the chapter of Noah.

The total amount of verses is 28, so if we subtract that from the chapter number, 71, we get 43.

So, 43 is the number of times Noah is mentioned in the Qur’an. There are 43 chapters after this chapter that do not mention Noah, and there are 43 chapters that come before that do not mention Noah either. How many do mention Noah, well it’s 28, the number of verses in this chapter. 

And for the maths boffins out there, 71 is the highest prime factor of 1988.

If you look at “Nuh”, it’s a three-letter word.

The first appearance of “Nuh” is in chapter three, yes and its first mentioned in verse 33. And in the chapter of Nuh, it is the third word mentioned three times.

And lastly, the people of Nuh are mentioned 14 times. The 14th prime number is 43, which is the total number of times Nuh is mentioned. 

Now, what makes this more profound is that the Qur’an was revealed circumstantially. In other words, when the Prophet was asked something or when something happened, that’s when the verses would be revealed. So, there was no way for the Prophet (peace be upon him) to predict or preempt those questions. 

And secondly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) could not read or write, so he didn’t sit there writing, and then counting the words, and then mirroring it. 

And the cherry on the cake: The Qur’an was not revealed in chapter and verse order. So, at the end of the Prophet’s life, that’s when all the written parts of the Qur’an were collected and collated. It was not done initially. 

Is there any wonder why so many people, Muslims and non-Muslims, are impressed by this book? The religion is the fastest growing one on the planet!

If you are a Muslim, you should be reading it and benefitting from it more.

And if you are a non- Muslim, you should read it and accept Islam. 

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