Meeting Sheikh Uthman’s Wife Inspired Me & Reminded Me of the Need for Authentic Role Models for Sisters

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Women today are suffering due to a plethora of isms and skisms.

Young girls in particular, are in need of sound role models.

A couple of years ago, I met Sheikh Uthman ibn Farooq’s wife at a halaqa I attended in London. She was accompanying her husband on his travels. Sheikh Uthman had just delivered a lecture exclusively to us sisters. There was something special about his wife (may Allah swt bless her abundantly). She was beautiful not only on the outside but also (from what I could tell) on the inside, Allahumma Barik.

The moment she walked into the room (full of sisters only of course), she removed her niqab and wanted to get in the mud with us. She sat on the floor with us, mingled with us, asked us what the problems of the sisters in the UK are, listened attentively and thoughtful discussed solutions with us, with love and hikma. She then proceeded to deliver a lecture to a packed audience. She completely and utterly behaved like she was one of us: with the people and for the people. The sisterhood, warmth and leadership she displayed that day was of great significance and value, and something which we all cherished in that room. Moreover, remained with me, even until today. There was something brave and inspiring about our sister’s actions, particularly since she was visiting from the other side of the world. She was there to serve Allah and nothing else mattered. Despite being strangers, we all shared one statement: La ilaha illallah in our hearts, and this was the essence of our bond. 

Our brother Sheikh Uthman did not marry a dumbo; This is a sister of profound Islamic knowledge and wisdom, Allahumma Barik. It is evident that she comes from a household dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and learning. 

This made me ponder upon how sisters are in desperate need of good role models. Our ummah is not in need of drama, slandering, gender wars and dawah beef. We have much greater wars to fight and win. We come from a lineage of warriors- it’s high time we started to behave like warriors.

Women are suffering due to challenges of modernity, feminism, individualism, the red pill movement, capitalism, hedonism, and a culture of vanity metrics. And, are consequently in need of other loving women of wisdom and knowledge who can be their role models. It’s important to note, age is immaterial in this context; what matters is a genuine concern and love for your sisters in Islam for the sake of Allah.

This is an invitation to you: if you are a sister and have the means— set up a halaqa in your house for teenage girls in your locality, lead online zoom classes if you’re a busy mother and can spare one hour of your day, teach Qur’an tafsir by using the gifts and talents Allah swt gave you as a woman. Be someone who inspires and nurtures other sisters to be the best that they can be. Be a role model— for we are in desperate need of sound role models. 

Today, the so-called “role models” for young girls are often found on their phones— Muslim social media influencers and TikTok personalities. Sadly, such personalities discuss matters such as how they got a nose job from Turkey and how cheap it was, among other superficial trends. From discussing illicit relations openly, objectifying themselves, and possessing a severe lack of Haya/(shyness). This isn’t to say that these sisters don’t have any goodness in them, we love them as they are our sisters in Islam. However, they are misleading impressionable minds, focusing solely on external appearances while neglecting the beautification of their souls. 

Moreover, the culture of vanity metrics permeates our society. Consequently, many Muslim influencers themselves are victims of a concoction of isms and skisms and cannot serve as role models for the next generation of Muslim girls. It’s important to mention, there are good sisters online who are inspiring role models. However, sadly, they are hard to come by. 

It is also important to recognise the profound differences between a role model whom a girl has known her entire life, such as her mother—an unparalleled figure—and someone she has encountered at a gathering or online. It is crucial to acknowledge that girls need to seek knowledge and guidance from trustworthy mentors.

We need more sisters like Sheikh Uthman’s wife, who are ready to roll up their sleeves, listen to the people, and be there for the people.

May Allah (swt) bless the family of Sheikh Uthman and protect them from harm…Ameen. 

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