Israel Targets Civilian Infrastructure in Largest West Bank Operation Since 2002

Reading Time: 3 minutes

 Israeli military operations in Jenin have devastated civilian infrastructure, raising concerns of deliberate targeting beyond military objectives.

 Despite international criticism, including from the UN and several countries, Israel continues its aggressive actions in Jenin with impunity.

The city of Jenin, located in the northern West Bank, has become the epicenter of a brutal Israeli military campaign that has left the area in shambles and its residents in a state of desperate flight. This assault is the largest of its kind since operation “Defensive Shield” during the height of the Second Intifada in 2002, raising alarms among international observers and humanitarian organizations.

For nearly a week, Israeli forces have conducted relentless raids across the West Bank, focusing particularly on Jenin. Israel has justified these operations as a necessary “counter terrorism” measure, aimed at dismantling what it claims are militant networks operating within the city. According to the Israeli military, Jenin has long been a stronghold for armed Palestinian groups, and the recent operation was intended to neutralize these threats. However, the assault has resulted in the widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, including homes, roads, water, and sewage networks.

Entire neighborhoods have been bulldozed, leaving families with nothing but the clothes on their backs as they flee the violence. The scale of destruction is staggering, with Jenin’s municipality reporting that nearly 70 percent of the city’s streets and essential services have been obliterated​. The level of destruction has raised serious concerns that Israel is not only targeting militants but also deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure, given the extent of the damage to non-military sites. Reports indicate that the military’s actions have displaced dozens of families, forcing them to flee their homes in search of safety. The severe impact on civilian areas has drawn widespread condemnation from the international community, with many observers questioning whether the true intent of the operation is to collectively punish the civilian population of Jenin rather than merely targeting militants​.

Eyewitness accounts from residents paint a harrowing picture of life under siege. Jaber Abu Raih, a local from eastern Jenin, described how Israeli soldiers stormed into his home, transforming it into a makeshift military post. “The destruction is vast; the army is waging a real war,” he said, highlighting the dire lack of food, medicine, and water in the besieged neighborhood. Abu Raih and his family were forced to abandon their home and walk for an hour to escape the violence​.

The humanitarian situation in Jenin is rapidly deteriorating. Volunteer crews attempting to deliver food and supplies to the trapped residents have been attacked or obstructed by Israeli forces. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported significant difficulties in reaching those in need, as ambulances and medical teams are hindered by military roadblocks and ongoing assaults. Hospitals in the area have been placed under siege, with some medical staff facing direct attacks​.

Adding to the horrors of the ongoing military campaign, Israeli forces have been arresting hundreds of Palestinians, many of whom are being detained under harsh conditions. Reports indicate that detainees are subjected to torture and other forms of inhumane treatment during their interrogations. The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, an advocacy group, has documented numerous cases of physical and psychological abuse, including beatings, prolonged solitary confinement, and denial of medical care. 

The international community has reacted with concern, with the United Nations and several countries condemning the Israeli operations. The UN has called for an immediate cessation of these activities, warning that the situation is fueling an already explosive environment across the region. France, Britain, and Spain, among others, have condemned the Israeli operations. France stated that the Israeli actions “worsen a climate of unprecedented instability and violence,” while Britain expressed “deep concern” and urged Israel to “exercise restraint” and adhere to international law. Spain, too, has denounced the “unacceptable outbreak of violence” and called for immediate de-escalation to prevent further civilian suffering. These statements, while significant, have so far failed to translate into any meaningful action to hold Israel accountable.

This operation is not an isolated event but rather a continuation of a longstanding pattern of Israeli aggression that flagrantly disregards international law. In Jenin, the Israeli military’s actions—marked by the deliberate targeting and destruction of civilian infrastructure—represent clear violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which explicitly prohibits collective punishment and the unwarranted destruction of property. 

This is part of a broader Israeli strategy aimed at displacing Palestinians and further entrenching its occupation of Palestinian territories. By systematically demolishing homes, expanding illegal settlements, and employing excessive force against civilians, Israel seeks to break the spirit of the Palestinian people and force them into submission. Despite these grave violations, Israel continues to operate with impunity, largely due to the steadfast support of powerful allies, particularly the United States. The ongoing siege of Jenin is more than a mere military campaign; it is a calculated effort to collectively punish the civilian population.

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