Israel Initially Claims but Later Retracts Responsibility for Heinous Gaza Baptist Hospital Strike

Reading Time: 3 minutes
  • The Social Media advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ‘Hananya Naftali,’ posted a tweet affirming the IDF’s responsibility for the hospital attack in Gaza, but this account was subsequently contradicted by Israeli authorities.
  • Reported by Palestinian Health Ministry, 500 Palestinians have been killed. The Arch Bishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said, “The Ahli hospital is run by the Anglican church. I mourn with our brothers and sisters – please pray for them.”

Last night, occupying forces brutally bombed Gaza’s historic Baptist hospital. This distressing event resulted in the killing of approximately 500 Palestinian casualties, with a significant number being innocent children, vividly exemplifying the Israeli occupation’s ambitions of ethnic cleansing and targeting of civilians.

The attack is the deadliest Israeli air strike since 2008.

This photograph was captured a mere 20 hours before the Gaza Baptist hospital fell victim to Israel’s devastating airstrike.

Repeated war crimes: Israel deliberately targets a hospital

PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Social Media advisor ‘Hananya Naftali’ tweeted the following statement immediately after the attack:

Soon after the release of deeply distressing footage depicting Palestinian civilians enduring severe injuries, trauma, and a horrific massacre, an IDF statement said, “Following an additional review and cross-examination of the operational and intelligence systems, it is clear that the IDF did not strike the hospital in Gaza.

“The hospital was hit as a result of a failed rocket launched by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organisation.”

Israeli PM Benajamin Netanyahu said “barbaric terrorists” in Gaza bombed the hospital, reiterating Israel’s military was not responsible.

The American President, Joe Biden, made unverified claims and exhibited a demeanour akin to that of a marionette, offering assertions about the responsible party for this deplorable act:

Interestingly, in New York City last night, the following billboard was displayed:

It is evident that such rockets are incapable of killing hundred of people, as was reported by MSNBC news (pictured above).

The correspondent explained how this “type of death toll is not what you could associate with Palestinian rockets.” He also highlighted that the Israeli Defence Force have not provided any evidence that this attack was conducted by ‘Islamic Jihad.’

Moreover, this morning, The Israeli Defence Forces presented evidence that included an audio clip in which alleged Hamas acknowledged the rocket’s origin from PIJ. According to an IDF spokesman, this proved evidence that Israel did not launch the aerial strike. However, Channel 4 News in the UK has subsequently retained experts to meticulously analyse the provided audio, and they have ascertained its falsity.

Exposing Media Manipulation

I’m addition, UFC commentator and podcast host Joe Rogan penetrates the layers of media distortion and manipulation:

The Significance of Gaza Baptist Hospital in a Christian Context

The targeting of Gaza’s historic Baptist Hospital, established in 1904, under the stewardship of the Anglican Episcopal Church, serves as a poignant symbol of the Israeli occupier’s concerted efforts to obliterate the region’s rich history. This church stood as one of the oldest.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said the assault was “an appalling and devastating loss of innocent lives”.

He said: “The Ahli hospital is run by the Anglican church. I mourn with our brothers and sisters – please pray for them.”

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