GB News takes issue with Muslim Roshan Salih’s Evangelism

Reading Time: 3 minutes
  • GB News seems to have an issue with Roshan Mohamed Salih’s advocacy for Islam.
  • Salih’s statement that he wishes everyone in Britain would embrace Islam unsettled the host and dominated their coverage.

Why does GB News illustrate concern with Muslim Roshan Mohamed Salih’s evangelism while ignoring Christian evangelists? I can hear the “Tommy-Tommys” of the world retort, “Because England is a Christian country!” Wrong. England is no longer a Christian country; it’s a secular democracy.

Our brother Roshan M Salih from 5 Pillars’s made a recent appearance on GB News to discuss the Muslim vote. As I watched the segment, I couldn’t help but chuckle when he stated his desire for “everyone in Britain to become Muslim.” Host Patrick Christys seemed visibly flustered by the remark. GB News made this the centre piece of their news feature the following morning:

GB News YouTube channel

The truth is, all Muslims are Shahadah-capitalists. We seek goodness for our brothers and sisters in humanity, knowing that Islam is a superior way of life. Furthermore, we love just and moral societies that are founded on divine laws, not flawed man-made ones. “Why don’t you all F-off back to Mecca if you don’t like it here then?” I hear the dullards howl.

A lot of us are migrating back to “where we came from” (or where our parents and grandparents came from, at least). Alternatively, many of us are making hijra and migrating to places such as Turkey or the Middle East, where (for instance) the LGBTQ agenda is not thrust upon our youth.

However, Britain is our home, and make no mistake: wanting people to have the truth as we do, comes from care, compassion, and fulfilling our duty as Muslims— to spread the message of Islam. By no means does this imply that we can or have any desire to force anyone to accept the truth. The turner of hearts is Allah alone.

“Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood. So, whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.”


Islam’s rapid rate of conversion among white women in the UK comes from their search for a better way of life and the seed of faith being planted in their hearts.

Sheikha Fatima Barkatulla, in her insightful research, uncovered the primary reasons why white women in the UK choose to convert to Islam:

Interestingly, The Daily Mail published the following article in February this year. Here we see displayed another example of right-wing fear-mongering!

Every Sunday, many Shahadahs are being proclaimed by in Hyde Park’s Speakers Corner:

So, why do Islamophobes take issue with Muslims wanting good for their fellow citizens? Is it because they are narrow-minded and comfortable with cultural Christianity such as the likes of Dawkins? Or is it because the majority of Muslims in the UK are brown, which may be unsettling for those adhering to a religion they perceive as “foreign”?

Pew Research Centre calculate that Muslims will comprise of 2.8 billion (30% of the world’s population) by 2050. This is an increase of 73%.

Consequently, wouldn’t it be logical for these fellow countrymen of ours, to seek an understanding of what Muslims truly believe, rather than relying on the narrative about Islam and Muslims portrayed by the likes of GB News?

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