From Verbal Sparring to the Cage: Mohammed Hijab vs Reece Heer

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The Training Camp

After an intense eight-week training camp with head coach Stuart Austin, Mohammed Hijab was primed and ready for the challenge. Austin, renowned for being the only fighter to ever defeat UFC heavyweight champion Thomas Aspinall (though one other did so by disqualification), brings a level of pedigree that’s hard to ignore. Hijab has also honed his skills at the prestigious Roger Gracie Academy, where he earned his purple belt under the esteemed Q1 Gracie. With such a formidable team behind him, Hijab is not just prepared—he’s set to make an impact.

The Ring Walk

Hijab approached the cage with an air of serene confidence, exuding calm and focus, every step a testament to his readiness. As the Salawat on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) beautifully echoed through the arena, he draped a Palestine flag around his neck, further charging the already electric atmosphere. It was a moment like no other—an unexpected fusion of intellect and athleticism. Here walked an Oxford graduate, writer, former history teacher, academic, master orator and intellectual, now stepping into the cage, defying every preconceived mundane notion of modernity and what a fighter should be. This was a spectacle no one had anticipated.

The fight 

In the first round, a relentless barrage of calf kicks from Hijab systematically compromised Reece Heer’s lead leg. With precision and consistency, he targeted the same spot repeatedly, wearing down the limb. The sustained damage took its toll, forcing Heer to switch stance in a desperate attempt to mitigate the mounting pain. It is worth highlighting that brother Hijab possesses a 47-inch leg reach, identical to that of the renowned Jon Jones. This tactic could only have been a shock to the system of Heer who is used to a lot of White Collar boxing fights.

After a dominant takedown by Hijab, he unleashed a series of punches at Heer, who was defending from the closed guard position. The referee then called for both fighters to be reset in the centre of the cage.

Hijab delivered a devastating teep kick to Heer’s midsection, a strike renowned in Muay Thai for its precision and power.

Many underestimate the excruciating pain such a kick can cause; when it lands on the solar plexus, it can leave an opponent winded, much like a brutal body punch. In a later interview with Wheeley, Heer revealed that he collapsed in response to the delayed effects of Hijab’s teep, a testament to the kick’s debilitating impact.

Hijab’s Victory Speech

When the host inquired about why Hijab chose to pursue MMA, he responded with conviction, “MMA is a way to empower people.” He went on to quote Aristotle on the nature of bravery, adding a philosophical depth to his answer. But Hijab wasn’t done. He turned his focus to staunch Zionist Ben Shapiro, boldly challenging him to a debate on the Piers Morgan Uncensored platform. Though Hijab has called out Shapiro before, this time there was something different—an undeniable fierceness in his eyes. Having just emerged from one battle, it was evident he was poised to confront an even more consequential one. “You’re a coward, Shapiro—you’ve been running away,” he declared. But more on this later. Hijab assured his audience that they could expect many more fights from him in the future.

The PPV Live Stream Went Down

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room: it was undeniably disappointing when the live stream went down in the first round. Especially after we were all so eager to watch the fight unfold live. I share in that frustration. However, given all that our brother has sacrificed for the ummah—his blood, sweat, and tears—we must show understanding and support. After all, this is a new domain for him, and mistakes are an inevitable part of venturing into uncharted territory. What’s more, brother Hijab has taken the noble step of offering refunds to everyone and imminently uploaded the full fight on his channel for all to watch. I’m confident that any issues faced this time will be resolved moving forward.

Should the Duat be involved in Contact Sports?

The fusion of sound intellect and physical prowess is a commendable aspiration for Muslim men. Muslims should aspire to embody polymathic qualities reminiscent of the golden age. Furthermore, divorcing the warrior from the intellect is only really a recent phenomenon. In addition, every Muslim man ought to possess the skills of self-defence and physical strength, essential for safeguarding their religion, families, and honour, these are integral components of their responsibilities and a part of their job description.

A Muslim man who is sincerely fighting for the sake of Allah (even within the confines of legality) is a man who has entered a completely distinct realm. A man who is a formidable force to be reckoned with. 

Setting aside the debate on whether MMA is permissible and the striking of the face, it is interesting that when the Misfits camp transitioned from YouTubers to fighters, no one dismissed it or trivialised the move with comments such as, “What’s the point of this?”

What could the Duat bring to the table that other Muslim fighters haven’t?

Today, the landscape has changed. In this era of information, the battlefield is no longer confined to physical terrains but is fought within the mind. Yet, when these realms converge, something profoundly impactful can emerge. Brother Hijab has previously challenged the imprisoned Tommy “the knucklehead” Robinson to a fight, a challenge that was, unsurprisingly, declined. However, imagine if the duat were to engage Islamophobes, Zionists, and proponents of Hindutva in a strictly legal and strategic capacity to fight. This would introduce an entirely new dimension to our advocacy and strengthen our position in the global discourse and the world of sport. 

Hijab the Muslim Role Model 

Having worked as a secondary school teacher across inner and Greater London, I’ve noticed a fascinating trend: the admiration young Muslim boys, particularly those in Years 10 to 13, have for our brother Mohammed Hijab. I’ve witnessed countless sixth-formers, during their lunch breaks, eagerly watching his debates on their phones. But what makes Hijab such an influential figure for these students? The answer lies in his unshakable fortitude in defending his faith and being an unapologetic Muslim. Whether it’s the Maghribis or my Pakistani or Somali students, Hijab has become a beacon of strength and an inspiration for them. For many of these young brothers, who come from single-parent homes, being raised on council estates, Hijab has become their role model, as they resonate with him, coming from similar backgrounds. They share his drive and refusal to adopt a victim mindset. Hijab’s intellectual pursuits and fearless confrontation of challenges have not only earned him admiration but also inspired a generation of empowered Muslims. This is exciting. Brother Hijab’s recent venture into contact sports will only strengthen this in shaa Allah.

Interestingly, even my non-Muslim and non-practicing students have come to know brother Hijab through platforms such as the Strike It Big podcast and Fresh and Fit. These students, often aspiring entrepreneurs, tune in to Strike It Big regularly. I pray that, in time, the respect and recognition people receive by being invited on such platforms will be reversed, and we will become the dominant culture —and that one day if others are invited on our platforms they will receive respect. 

The excitement and buzz in class regarding Mohammed Hijab’s fight will no doubt continue on Monday morning amongst my Muslim students— “Miss did you watch the Hijab fight?” “I did indeed and it was awesome! Now let’s get back to your Macbeth revision!,” I will most likely reply. 

Mohammed Hijab Calls out Ben Shapiro

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Shapiro is a despicable human being with a squeaky voice who talks very fast and posts AI generated pictures of ‘burnt Israeli babies.’ A man who once said, “Empathy is bad for politics” and “Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage.”

Shapiro as an emotionally neurotic and tetchy little man. Moreover, a man who would evidently sacrifice his dignity for a tilt at power. Perhaps this is the very reason he prefers to debate Undergraduate students from Oxford, as opposed to taking up the numerous offers of Mohammed Hijab or anyone with any serious credentials.

Shapiro strives to mislead and confound the masses through his pro-genocide, pro-apartheid, and ultra-Zionist writings, podcasts, and social media posts, distorting reality by presenting falsehoods as truths and truths as falsehoods. 

Consequently, the Muslims would rejoice in seeing Shapiro being destroyed and humiliated on the intellectual battlefield. Shapiro also once brazingly said, ‘Facts don’t care about your feelings.’ I for one would like to see what he would do when real facts are presented to him, particularly when the ideological war has already been won and Israel has rapidly lost support globally. Let’s see if Shapiro accepts Brother Hijabs invitation, or continues in his cowardice, residing in the comfort of his home while advocating for a genocide, embodying true inhumanity and malevolence. Whilst the the nation which he advocates for continues with aerial bombardments “from fortified towers” but faltering in direct man-to-man confrontation.

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