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A response to the Norwegian MP Kjell Ingolf Ropstad

This is a response to the inaccurate and distorted fabrications of the Norwegian MP Kjell Ingolf Ropstad who indirectly asked the justice minister of Norway to impose a ban...

GB News Fuels Far-Right Extremism & launches Smear Campaign against Mohammed Hijab

This article discusses the HJS poll, which was used on GB News to portray the thoughts of British Muslims. It confronts...

How Switching to a Nokia helped me Reclaim My Life Back

• Reclaiming control: How a Nokia phone changed everything • Rediscovering focus, productivity, and peace of mind. After months of grappling with my career aspirations...

Mindfulness and Escapism

The article scrutinises the modern-day phenomenon of prioritising online personas and the prevalence of vanity metrics. It delves into the concept...

How do we know which Non-Muslim Intellectuals to trust post-Jordan Peterson?

• This article aims to critique the influence of non-Muslim intellectuals and wellness gurus on the Muslim world. • It advocates for...

Why Doesn’t the Reality of More Women being in Jahannam due to Backbiting evoke...

The article explores the prevalence of gossiping among women. It reflects on the negative consequences of gossiping, including perpetuating learned behaviour...

Ramzan Kadyrov: Defender of Islamic Values or a Sellout?

• Ramzan Kadyrov’s son has been videoed recently beating a Russian man accused of burning the Quran. • Kadyrov’s defence of traditional values may be overshadowed...

AI generated models will exacerbate insecurities in women & ruin the next generation of...

• The emergence of AI generated models will make a man unable to holistically connect with a woman. • Women now...

The emerging trend of Muslim Kenyan-Pakistani Girls “marrying” Hindu Men in the UK

Are Muslims becoming reticent in denouncing practices contrary to the rulings of Islam? Muslim women “marrying” non-Muslim men is cognitive dissonance at...

Alexei Navalny: A Genuine Opposition to Putin or an American Puppet?

• Following the death of popular Russian opposition leader whilst in confinement, a history of “ultra-nationalism” and “far-right racism” is unveiling. • A controversial pro-gun...

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