Boycott for Justice: How the Global Boycott Pro-Israeli Companies Movement Is Making an Impact

Reading Time: 2 minutes

• The Palestinian BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions) National Committee advocates for a boycott of Israeli and global corporations that participate in actions infringing upon Palestinian rights.

• Stocks of HP, Walt Disney, and McDonalds have fallen due to the boycott movement, notably in the Middle East, with reports of vacant Starbucks and McDonalds stores.

For several days, the horrors of war have instilled fear in the Palestinian population as they face the dire situation in Gaza due to Israel’s actions. This situation has sparked global outrage among supporters of Palestine and humanitarians who are actively protesting against Israel and pro-Israel institutions.

Among these, the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement stands out as a nonviolent, global campaign for freedom, justice, and equality for Palestinians. The BDS movement operates on the simple principle that Palestinians, like all other people, are entitled to the same rights and privileges. 

Targeted Companies and Products

• Hewlett Packard (HP): HP’s role in running the biometric ID system used to restrict Palestinian movement is a prime reason for its inclusion on the boycott list.

• Puma: Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

• Starbucks: Starbucks found itself amid controversy after it sued its union for expressing solidarity with Palestinians. This raised questions about the company’s stance on social justice issues.

• McDonalds: An Israel-based franchise’s announcement of free food for Israeli military members led to a consumer backlash and distancing by other franchises.

The BDS movement also targets numerous other Israeli or Israel-supporting companies, such as Ahava, Keter, Strauss, Danone, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Eden Spring, and SodaStream.

Economic Impact of the Boycott and International Awareness

The BDS movement has had a palpable economic impact on Israel. As consumers abstain from purchasing Israeli goods, a message is conveyed to Israel, urging it to cease actions that harm innocent Palestinians. This has resulted in a fall in the stock values of companies like HP, Walt Disney, and McDonald’s, especially in regions where the BDS movement has gained traction.

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