• Flawed Reasoning & Logical Fallacies: Naseeruddin Shah claims religion is solely about fearing the afterlife, but this argument is dismissed as overly simplistic.
• This article compares atheism and faith. Atheism sees life as random and purposeless. Whereas Islam provides meaning and moral accountability.
You’ve probably seen some of Naseeruddin Shah’s work, watched his movies. However, recently, he’s been speaking about how he used to be Muslim but now identifies as an atheist. He said, “I am a lapsed Muslim.”
So let’s take a look at his main argument and analyse how high his IQ truly is—because people like him consider themselves educated, and in the societies they move in, they are given importance because they are seen as artists, intellectuals, and good communicators.
His First Point: Religion
He claims that religion is only about worrying about the afterlife—that people don’t care about the world they live in, only whether they’ll go to heaven, whether God is noting their good deeds.
There are two types of people:
- The Atheist — Believes that they came into existence by chance, just a cosmic accident. After death, they simply turn into dust, and that’s it—no purpose, no accountability.
- The Believer — Believes they were created with a divine purpose, that there is a higher presence watching over them, that their good and bad deeds matter, and that they will face judgment in the afterlife.
Of course, atheists argue that religion has caused wars. But historian Karen Armstrong, in her book Fields of Blood, proves that wars were actually caused by politics and power struggles—religion was just used as an excuse.
If you look at history—the World Wars, Communism, Marxism, Pol Pot’s regime, and even that short-mustached guy—none of these were caused by religion. They were all atheists, from Naseeruddin Shah’s ideological group.
I must say, I was disappointed by this point. This is such a basic, common-sense thing. If we look at it from another perspective—let’s say a parent is watching over their child, making sure they don’t get harmed or injured. Would you call that parent stupid for caring? Would you call them crazy just because they love their child and want to protect them?
Similarly, if the government installs CCTV cameras to monitor crime and traffic violations so criminals can be punished—does that mean the government is stupid? Would you go out on the street and call them stupid? No, because you know you’d get lynched.
The point is: just because something makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t mean it’s false. If someone doesn’t understand or accept something, that doesn’t automatically make it wrong. For example, a cat doesn’t understand the internet, but that doesn’t mean the internet doesn’t exist. Similarly, humans don’t fully understand the universe, galaxies, or stars, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
So just because you don’t understand or like something doesn’t mean it’s false—this is a logical fallacy.
Second Point: Who Lives a Better Life? The Athiest, according to Shah
Now, let’s get the crux of the matter: Who lives a better life?
Muslims & Charity:
If we look at statistics, Muslims in the UK donate the most charity. Why would an atheist give charity? If they believe life is just a random accident, then why should they care about helping others?
Even science cannot prove the external world exists. So if an atheist only believes in “I, me, myself”, why would they contribute to society? This is why Muslims are statistically among the happiest people—because they have faith, purpose, and a moral compass.
Naseeruddin Shah’s Argument is Declining, Not Progressing
Usually, when people make logical arguments, their reasoning improves over time. But his keeps declining.
Our belief is that to earn paradise, we must work for it—just like how if you want a salary, you must work for it. Similarly, if you want heaven, you have to earn it.
And if you claim you were once Muslim, shouldn’t you already know this? If you’re leaving a religion, shouldn’t you do proper research before making such a decision?
Final Thoughts
Atheists use their intelligence in every other field—they analyze film storylines, character arcs, hero vs. villain plots, and speak multiple languages fluently.
But when it comes to religion, their IQ drops to zero. Actually, I was being too generous—it’s not zero, it’s negative.
For them, this world is everything—they believe they were created from stardust and will return to cosmic nothingness.
But if that’s the case, shouldn’t they work even harder to make the most of this life? Yet, when it comes to religion, their logic completely fails.
Our message to people like Naseeruddin Shah: If this is your reason for leaving Islam, then this is not a good reason.