Beard Benefits: Studies Reveal Women’s Heightened Attraction and Antibacterial Advantages! – The Prophetic Path is Powerful!

Reading Time: 5 minutes
  • A recent study found that beards possess antibacterial properties, providing a natural defence against potential infections. A separate study found that women psychologically perceive men with longer beards as more masculine and as potential fathers of their children.
  • The Prophet Mohammed (saw’s) way is always the best way.

In the modern Western world, beards are perceived to be cool. I mean, even the urban hipsters of Shoreditch have fallen for the lumberjack look. Yet, I can anticipate your objection that this perception goes beyond superficial charm and holds deeper significance.

However, in certain parts of the Islamic world, a beardless revolution seems to have taken over. The proclamation reverberating through the airways is loud and clear. Men are grappling with a peculiar dichotomy- a reluctance to be perceived as “excessively devout.” For them, sporting a beard represents a particular archetype they sought to distance themselves from. A man who is perceived to be too religious is considered to be socially unaware, uneducated in secular studies, earning a low income, pitied in society and unable to relate to the youth. The beard in some Islamic nations sadly now embodies this unfortunate symbolism.

Islam, in fact, does not prescribe an either-or approach. This is framed with the notion that our purpose in life is to worship Allah first and foremost. However, we are not instructed to forsake the modern world. Consider, the religiously devout polymaths of the Islamic Golden era such as Ibn al Nafis. Had he acquiesced to being placed into a box, his extraordinary discoveries that have bestowed boundless benefits upon humanity would have remained undiscovered. This, in essence, reflects the genuine teachings of Islam.

An additional plausible rationale for this phenomenon could be attributed to the legacy of intergenerational trauma stemming from colonisation, which has fostered in many of our brothers a yearning to embrace Western aesthetics. Nevertheless, we fully understand that the absence of a beard does not imply a lack of religious devotion among brothers

In Pakistan for instance, the realm of beards being seemingly reserved for the “ultra religious” (whatever that might mean), acts as a sociological signifier for esteemed imam’s and sheikh’s only. As for the Pakistani uncles in their 50’s and 60’s, they were bestowed with the so-called wisdom that a moustache was the veritable hallmark of masculinity. As seen with the most popular male news anchors:

Illustration: Voice of Journalists: Hameed Meer (Geo News Anchor)

Illustration: Facebook- Raja Zia ul Haq

There has, however, very recently been a change in the tide regarding this region. The emergence of dawat such as Raja Zia ul Haq showcases that in order to excel in lofty dawah pursuits in this life as well as the next, you must be a well-rounded individual.

Are beards really that important?

The Prophet Mohammed (saw) said:

“Trim the moustache and let the beard grow.”

Sunnan an-Nasa’i (5226)

Allow me to add, all of the Prophets and companions of the Prophet Mohammed (saw) kept beards.

But goats have beards

It is important to note, that appearances should never be the sole basis of understanding someone’s character. Masculinity encompasses various attributes beyond physical appearance. However, we know that the Prophet (saw’s) path is the best path. And reward is with those who try their best to emulate the best of mankind Prophet Mohammed (saw) with the correct intention in shaa Allah.

Beards bring health benefits

Incidentally, a cross-sectional study titled Bacterial ecology of hospital workers’ facial hair, examined the facial hair of 408 male healthcare workers in a hospital in America. It deduced that beardless men were more likely to harbour methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria on their cheeks. This reveals that beards may possess antimicrobial properties, providing a natural defence against potential infections.

Studies prove women prefer bearded men

A recent study deciphered the role of facial hair in women’s perceptions of attractiveness. The results showed a clear preference for men with full beards. Women perceived men with longer beards as more masculine.

In a study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology over 8,500 women rated men with different levels of facial hair and clean-shaven faces. The findings revealed that the majority of women were more attracted to men with facial hair, as they perceived facial hair as conveying dominance, maturity, an older appearance and an indicator of someone who might father their children better.

Illustration: Data in graph obtained from the ‘Journal of Evolutionary’ 2016 study

This graph presents an interesting observation: women generally display a preference for men with any kind of facial hair over those who are clean-shaven. Intriguingly, it sheds light on the psychological preference of women, indicating a penchant for forging longer-lasting and more stable relationships with men who sport facial hair.

Needless to say, a man’s strong leadership skills, ability to sustain a relationship and maturity can never be determined by the length of his beard. However, these studies offer fascinating insights into the innate inclinations of women, which align with the teachings of Islam, accentuating the significance of distinct gender roles. Islam maintains that men and women are inherently unique and complement each other through their differences. Hence, it is only logical that women are naturally drawn to that which starkly contrasts their own femininity. Thus, according to the Islamic paradigm, men are encouraged to embody masculine traits in both behaviour and appearance, while women are encouraged to embrace their feminine attributes in both appearance and conduct.

Beards are Beautiful because our Beloved Prophet Mohammed (saw) had one!

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men, and he said: “Throw them out of your houses.”

Bukhaari (5885)

This is the antithesis of the effeminate celebrities, painting their nails and wearing skirts that we have become privy to in more recent times:

Illustration: Screenshot of an article from the Mirror ‘Drake shows off…’

Illustration: Screenshot taken from Daily Mail Article ‘Jaden Smith, 17, revealed as the new face of Louis Vuitton…’

May Allah swt guide us all and keep us all steadfast…Ameen!

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