BBC journalists crying in the toilet because of the dehumanisation of Palestinians

Reading Time: 6 minutes

• Under the false pretext of self-defence, the BBC is crippling it’s mask of impartiality in front of its viewers.

• How the deceit of complexity in Palestine can be broken down from within the BBC itself.

As we decipher the cryptic dehumanisation of the Palestinians day after day it begs one to think, what the workers and employees within the BBC are thinking about the double standards between Ukraine and Palestine. More then 10 thousand Ukrainian civilians have died in Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion last year and yet, in Gaza alone more than 12 thousand civilians have been killed in less then 7 weeks. As logic from Ukraine has proven, the soldiers and commanders of the frontlines understood the situation impending them better then most of the civilians and higher ups. On the Russian side at the start of the war however, autonomy was a far driven dream that made the Russians make the same mistakes again and again and again. It was the great mistake of not allowing the soldiers and commanders inthe frontline who understood the situation to be barred from making decisions. What has any of this got to do with the BBC you may ask? Truth of the matter, the experts in war are the people in the frontline and the experts in reporting are the reporters who are also in the frontline just as the experts of the BBC agendas are those who write it, express it and most of all believe in it. 

However the question that we all need answering is, is it really the case that the same media outlet who whitewashed the Iraq war; hid the biggest protest in UK history as well as faked the Catalan independence protests as being a minority movement as well as even giving more attention to the white South African minority then entire nations in Africa; is it the case it is really able to keep a firm grip on the emotional stateof its workers? Or is it the case that by producing such malicious complex mechanisms to both hide and redirect attention that the BBC had for a long time been revered as simply a tool to carry out the bidding of liberal and western philosophy?

From the hiding of the fact George Bush was speaking about blowing up the Al Jazeera headquarters in Doha (according to a leaked memo from Downing Street see link at bottom) to the hiding of Jimmy Savills sexual allegations and now to the hiding of the fact their own workers and reporters have been reported to be crying in the bathroom because of the double standards of empathy according to an inside source quoted from the Times newspaper. Meanwhile Rami Ruhayem, a BBC correspondent based in Beirut, said that he had “the gravest possible concerns” about the BBCs output as he accused his employer of valuing Israeli lives more highly than Palestinians. In fact, only yesterday Al Jazeera published an article in which they wrote that 8 anonymous UK based journalists working for the BBC had sent a 2300-word letter to them in which they said the BBC is guilty of “a double standard in how civilians are seen”. If the frontlines of one of the most well-known and influential corporations of the world is complaining and crying because of the reporting and journalism they are being forced to sell, along with some of the UKs biggest protests in history held in support of Palestine then does this not mean the BBC is not just far driven away from the concept of impartiality rather directly on its way to corporate liberal dictatorship? How the BBC reports on journalists being locked up in other countries limiting freedom of expression yet have long controlled the narrative of people worldwide through propagating liberal and secular values. One of the most recent big examples is the anti-Erdogan sentiment that the BBC was heavily propagating when the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul was being converted into a mosque from a museum even when according to opinion polls, most Turks were in favour of such a move regardless of their political allegiance.

The Al Jazeera headquarters in Qatar: George Bush talked of destroying this building during the height of the Iraq war according to a leaked MEMO from Downing Street.

How the BBC is a part and parcel of the liberal world order

The international liberal world order can be defined by many people in many ways. However, it is true the world is governed by a set of laws, agreements and global corporations. One of the largest effects of this international liberal world order is that nations are being forced to stay in their post-colonial borders under the guise of ‘collective security’ or risk being sanctioned, invaded or bombarded into submission. One of the most reputable ones in the eyes of the west is operation dessert storm, when Saddam Hussein was pushed out of Kuwait even when he posed no imminent threat to the entirety of the western peninsula. A lot of problems and divisions caused in Africa and a lot of wars today are because many nation states have had their post-colonial borders drawn unjustly. Again, Iraq was drawn in such a way it only had access to one deep water port where most of its trade could be done. This meant the nation had to always live with a knife to its throat. The BBC on the other hand heavily propagates this liberal world order by treating any ‘unprovoked’ invader as a villain and compares any expansionism to the expansionism of the characteristics of Hitler and Stalin. The international liberal world order is made of international liberal corporations that promote that very thing, liberalism. If anyone challenges these influential corporations like the BBCthe BBC and other liberal propagating organs may label it as against the freedom of speech and expression and thus may indirectly provoke MPs and lawmakers across the world to sanction that same nation. For example, in May this year when Uganda created a repressive anti-LGBT law that was voted with a majority in their parliament the western liberal media went berserk. It was as if a new war in Europe had just begun as even the US was threatening Uganda with sanctions after harshly condemning it as if not to lose its rep as the protector of the liberal world order (something that goes very well for Joe Biden whose political party is predominantly considered liberal).

So what really is the BBC?

After the long storms of bias dehumanising information and the tantamount levels of complaints from viewers and journalists alike; the BBC still stands as the UKs most popular news broadcaster however the opinions on neutrality haveshifted significantly in the last decade. From the 2017 UK general election where it was proven that their evening show ‘the papers’ was heavily focusing on anti-labour anti Corbyn newspapers to now the 1500 complaints this October about the coverage after October the 7nth. A large proportion of people now are either unsure if the BBC is truly neutral or are of the opinion that they’re either more right or left leaning. What’s surprisingly more shocking is that according to Ofcom only 9% of 16–24-year-olds reach their news through traditional news websites while a staggering 37% of them reach it through social media. TikTok whom majority of users fall in the Gen Z age has said that the massive frequency of Palestinian content and support is not through the algorithm rather because teens are just pro-Palestinian (see link at bottom). We see a correlation between younger users of TikTok and pro-Palestinian sentiment and there is no sign that the younger generation will switch to traditional news outlets any time soon. If this trend continues it’s likely the BBC may lose a significant proportion of viewers as the years go by and will be unable to alter the opinions of the minds they haven’t currently taken hostage in their psychological prisons of freedom. However, if the BBC choose to adapt and changeand drop the mask of impartiality to show the face of public opinion then it will open doors of integration into social media with posts being forwarded in their millions by young people whose views they apparently align with.

What can we do to catalyse the BBCs downfall

Majority of the BBCs work is funded by an annual TV licence fee that millions of Britons are forced to pay in order to watch live TV. Unfortunately, 91.5% of people have a TV licence however the percentage of pro-Palestinian people in the UK according to the UK is about 19% with a further 31% remaining unsure. If even 10% of people in the UK were to cancel their TV licence subscription based on the bias towards Palestinians, the BBC will be hit hard with the prospect of more and more Britons planning on following suit. As awareness of the Palestinian plight brings people out of the unknown; the trend in ridding of the TV licence will grow and grow. The younger generation has proved that the future of Palestinian support in the UK is only growing. If this current Israeli aggression ends, then it’s only a matter of time when it will return as it has done consecutively over the last two decades. If each and every time a war breaks out the BBC loses more and more licences based on its repetitive un-impartial news on Palestine, then it will it only be a matter of time when either they are forced into an erratic change in narrative or a complete shutdown of their news station. All in all, our main strategies to help catalyse this is encouraging pro-Palestinian people throughout our networks to get rid of their TV licence and to educate those in the unknown about Palestine so they too can be slowly pulled out of the jigsaw of funding that the BBC lives off.

George Bush on bombing al Jazeera-

TikTok on its users pro-Palestinian sentiments-

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