Tips for Attaining Success in Your Hifdh Journey

Reading Time: 3 minutes
  • This article delves into tips aimed at facilitating the journey of Qur’an memorisation, in shaa Allah.
  • The Qur’an is continually being memorised worldwide, transcending boundaries of wealth, culture, race, age, and social status.

1. Renew your intentions

The glorious Qur’an, revered and sacred, has remained impeccably preserved for 1400 years—the precise words of Allah (swt).

Furthermore, the memorisation of the Qur’an ought not to be the goal solely, we should also internalise its divine teachings, making them the corpus of our morals, guiding our actions. Moreover, the intention of our Hifdh completion should be to seek the pleasure of Allah, abstaining from Riya (showing off).

The profound transformation observed in those who complete their Quran memorisation and embody its teachings is unequivocal.

2. Excel Across Diverse Skill Sets

In today’s information age, battlefields are no longer fields, they are in the mind. Consequently, our ummah is in need of Muslims who accompany their hifdh by excelling in diverse skills. Being well-versed in both secular and Islamic knowledge to powerfully counter gross misconceptions about Islam and adeptly spread the word of Allah azza wa Jal can only be a positive thing. Many people are already embarking upon such journeys.

3. Find a reputable and accredited institute/a skilled teacher

Find a teacher who is genuinely invested in your Hifdh journey, but remember that ultimately, you must take ownership of your own progress. If you have parents who are teaching you, consider yourself supremely blessed.

Currently, numerous institutes offer online Zoom lessons, as well as face-to-face sessions, and extend student discounts.

4. Subac technique 

This technique, originating from the Somali tradition, proves both enjoyable and motivating. Participants gather in a group, agree on a segment of the Qur’an to recite, and take turns reciting a verse or page each in a circle. This technique of course can be used by a person of any cultural background. 

5. Use your headphones and listen to Hussary! 

Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary is a highly recommended Qari for beginners embarking on their Hifdh journey. 

For optimal learning, utilise technology and your headphones to repeatedly listen to a juz.

6. Tajweed

Work on your Tajweed, particularly, if you learned Quran from someone who has infused their own cultural pronunciations into it.

7. The importance of Muraja’ah

  • The lesson— learning new material.
  • Revision— for short term memory retention.
  • The illumination— knowledge retained in the long term memory.

This concerns short-term memory versus long-term retention. It is crucial not to advance to the next Juz until you are certain there are no errors in the previous one.

8. Successful Hifdh students prioritise discipline over motivation 

An unwritten tenet of hifdh dictates that success hinges on a person’s willingness to immerse themselves during personal study sessions. It is imperative to dedicate significant effort outside of scheduled sessions.

9. Order of Memorisation

You don’t have to begin from Juz Amma and work backwards. Remember the story of the taxi driver Hafidh that went viral— the story of our brother Aboo Hafsah. He, like many others, began memorising from Surrah-Al- Baqarah and worked his way forwards.

10. Never abandon the Quran 

The Quran stands as a lifelong companion, illuminating our intricate paths of existence. Moreover, there is nothing in this entire world that can bring peace to our hearts like the words of our Creator. Allah continually admonishes us:

“But whoever turns away from My Reminder will certainly have a miserable life, then We will raise them up blind on the Day of Judgment.”

(Surah Taha, 124)
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