America has a serious problem with Cannabis 

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• Sales of legal marijuana are rapidly increasing and could reach $57 billion by 2028 in the USA. 

• The legalisation of cannabis has further exacerbated the condition of young Americans.  

MJBiz Daily (an organisation which reports on the business of Cannabis sales) found in a recent report how Americans spent a whopping $30 billion on legal marijuana in 2022.  

According to the report, sales of legal marijuana are rapidly increasing and could reach $57 billion by 2028. In addition, it concluded that Americans spend more money on legal cannabis than chocolate ($18.2 billion).  

…..But how has the legalisation of Cannabis impacted Americans today? 

Almost 22 states in America have legalised the selling of weed for recreational purposes.

A study conducted by Michael Lynskey (2020, Kings College London), concluded that there was an increased use of cannabis since its legalisation and an increase in hospitalization and emergency department visits related to cannabis abuse, dependence and injuries. Cannabis-related hospitalizations in Colorado increased after recreational legalization, above and beyond the legalisation of cannabis use for medicinal purposes. Adolescents and young adults have been regularly intoxicated during their schooling and have consequently had poorer educational attainment. The report also found that Cannabis-related cognitive impairment is more likely to occur in older adults who regularly use cannabis for recreational purposes.  

Having said this, regular users of ‘Mary Jane’ (as it’s commonly referred to on the streets) or ‘the harmless herb’, have heard the speel may times before, ‘kids, just say no to drugs.’ Therefore, the legalisation of the gateway drug in so many parts of America, ‘the bible belt’ having split opinions on its implementation, and the X2 proposal for the drug to be legalised in the capital by London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has only blinded people towards its actual harms. Regular users are still perhaps not fully cognisant of its impact on the brain long term. 

Prospective epidemiological studies illustrate how daily cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of psychotic symptoms or a diagnosis of a schizophreniform psychosis.  

A Pentagon study (2020) found that 77% of young Americans are on drugs, or too fat and/or have mental health issues and therefore do not qualify for military service. When considering youth disqualified, for one reason alone, the most prevalent disqualification rates are for being overweight (11%), drug and alcohol abuse come in as second (8%).  

Many questions arise from these startling statistics, young people are turning to drugs for escapism, ‘numbing the pain’, sheer boredom and distractions.  

Many interlockers of Islam criticise the robust prohibition of any consumption of intoxicants, claiming that these stipulated laws in Islam are far too harsh, as alcohol can be used for medicinal purposes or can be managed and consumed in measured quantities. However, the laws given by the Divine, cater towards the needs of mankind and illustrate the most superior understanding of man, life and the Universe. Furthermore, showcasing how human beings require parameters and robust guidelines in order for their existence to be fruitful, as any potential good will never outweigh the potential harms that are brought alongside ‘a glass of red with a meal’ . Islam is a way of life which cuts all problems off by its route, based on specific ontic manifestations which are driven by the Divine decree. Human beings living in the present moment is not only pragmatic and healthy for one’s own personal wellbeing and development but also in order to combat the collective malaise which has become so very prominent in Western societies today.  

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