Israeli athletes take a break from the genocide to participate in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Reading Time: 2 minutes

● Double standards as Israeli athletes arrived in Paris while the Russians have been banned

● Maximum security has been arranged to protect them while months ago, Belgium had refused to host a match against the Zionist country

On Wednesday, 2 days before the opening ceremony of the Games, Israel was playing soccer against Mali.

While the Israeli national anthem was being played in the stadium, the supporters booed and waved Palestinian flags.

The stadium was in favour of Mali, as the genocide is still going on in the occupied territories.

Some zionists tried to get the flags banned but were escorted back to their seat by pro-Palestinian supporters.

1,000 policemen have been deployed to protect the Israeli athletes and an elite police squad has also been mobilised to guarantee their safety during the games. 

There was 1 policeman for every 50 supporters, which is unheard of. The French tax-payers will have to pay for that.

A few month earlier, Belgium has announced its impossibility to host a match between Belgium and the zionist entity as it could not find any town willing to do so. Belgium explained that they were not able to guarantee the safety of the players as well as the zionist supporters. 

France wanted to make sure the same would not happen and has even banned the Palestinian flags during the visit of Netanyahu, during the opening ceremony this Friday. 

According to the rules, the flags from non-participating nations cannot be waved, such as Russia and Bielorussia. Palestinian flags are actually allowed but it seems that the French authorities are being very careful not to upset the zionists.

Palestinian flags have been banned in many protests all throughout France. Some policemen confiscating them explained that they were following orders.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog was present at the match and could enjoy the view of numerous Palestinian flags floating in remembrance of the Palestinian people.

It seems that the intimidation did not prevent the public from expressing its solidarity with Gaza and the rest of Palestine.  

Around the events, lots of checkpoints and security have been put in place and many French citizens have described Paris as a town under siege. 

It is unlikely the tension will go down as the slaughtering of innocent civilians in Palestine is still taking place and many pro-Palestinian supports see the games as an opportunity to protest not only against the zionist illegal entity but also against the support the French authorities have offered them so far, unconditionally….

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