My Campaign Journey in North East Hampshire: Unity and Hope in the 2024 UK General Elections

Reading Time: 5 minutes

• A Community’s Defiance Against Right-Wing Populism. The recent UK election saw a concerning rise in right-wing populism, with the Reform Party gaining unexpected ground.

• Green Party’s Role in a Conservative Stronghold. Despite this, the election also highlighted a beacon of hope through the unity and resilience of independent candidates and smaller parties.

The recent UK election painted a stark picture of the nation’s political landscape. The rise of the right-wing Reform Party has sparked widespread concern among many citizens. Yet, amidst this troubling trend, a glimmer of hope emerged through the spirited campaigns of independents and smaller parties. These groups managed to inspire unity and optimism in an otherwise bleak political environment.

The Reform Party’s gains in several constituencies were disheartening, signalling a shift towards more extreme political views. Yet, this narrative of despair was counterbalanced by the unexpected victories of independent candidates and smaller parties. These groups banded together to resist the surge of right-wing populism, emphasising the importance of community collaboration and a shared vision for a more inclusive future.

In many areas, including traditionally conservative strongholds, voters demonstrated a readiness to break away from entrenched political loyalties. They sought out candidates who represented their values and aspirations more authentically, highlighting a widespread disillusionment with the status quo. This shift was particularly evident in North East Hampshire, where the election result was nothing short of revolutionary.

"I only stood in this election because I found myself deeply moved by the plight of Gaza, shedding tears and offering du’ah to Allah to let me help in some way. In what felt like a divine answer, the opportunity to become a candidate fell into my lap. It was Allah who made it possible for me to write for S2J News, a platform that allowed me to voice my convictions. Never did I imagine I would be on the radio discussing my beliefs or speaking in front of 350 people about hope and faith."

Green Party’s Role in a Conservative Stronghold

Running for the Green Party in North East Hampshire, I experienced firsthand the challenges of campaigning in a deeply conservative area. The constituency had long been a bastion of Conservative support, making any inroads for smaller parties seem like an uphill battle. However, the campaign revealed an undercurrent of desire for change among the voters. The people rallied together, ultimately ousting the Conservative stronghold and electing Liberal Democrat Alex Brewer, a candidate whose excellence and integrity resonated with voters.

Residents from diverse backgrounds and political affiliations came together, driven by a common goal: to elect a representative who genuinely cared about their needs and future. Brewer’s victory was not just a win for the Liberal Democrats but a testament to the power of collective action and the electorate’s readiness to embrace new perspectives. Her campaign showcased the potential of unity in driving meaningful political change.

Labour’s Struggle and the Rise of New Voices

This shift was apparent in constituencies where Labour traditionally held strong support. However, new voices emerged to fill the gap, bringing fresh perspectives and renewed hope to their communities.

Five inspirational political figures—Faiza Khan, Akhmed Yaqub, Halima Khan, Leanne Mohamed, and Jody McIntyre—demonstrated the power of grassroots movements and the importance of representation that truly reflects the community’s needs. Although they did not win, each of them made significant impacts that pushed the main parties to reconsider their strategies.

Faiza Khan ran a campaign centred on social justice and community empowerment. Akhmed Yaqub, with his strong stance on human rights and highlighting Gaza, saw a surge in support. Halima Khan, a vocal campaigner for her community, saw a surge in support as change became a central issue for many voters. Jody McIntyre, a believer in disability rights and justice, achieved a remarkable result. Lastly, superstar Leanne Mohamed galvanised voters and communities. Overall, the achievements of these five individuals not only reflected their dedication and hard work but also influenced the main parties to sit up and take notice. They have now significantly shifted the political landscape for good.

The Winners That Shocked the System

Shockat Adam, known for his expertise in local governance and community engagement, achieved a strong electoral performance. Ayoib Khan, a champion of economic reform and social justice, garnered substantial support. Adnan Hussain, with his background in healthcare and public welfare, ran a campaign emphasising the importance of a robust public health system and social services. Iqbal Hussain Mohamed, an advocate for education and youth empowerment, captured the youth vote with his policies aimed at improving educational outcomes and increasing opportunities for young people.

Finally, Jeremy Corbyn, a well-known figure in British politics, continued to drive significant support with his focus on social equality, anti-austerity measures, and public ownership. His strong showing on election night reaffirmed his influence and forced the main parties to listen to issues of social justice and economic inequality more robustly.

Overall, the election night results for Shockat Adam, Ayoib Khan, Adnan Hussain, Iqbal Hussain Mohamed, and Jeremy Corbyn demonstrated their powerful influence on the electorate and their ability to push the main parties towards more progressive and community-focused policies. They are all influential, inspirational figures for the voice on Gaza and foreign policy.

Reflections and Moving Forward

As I reflect on the results, I am astonished and frustrated over the electoral choices in certain parts of the UK, specifically the judgment of voters who elected Suella Braverman and Esther McVey. It bewilders me how such candidates could gain approval; they are divisive characters in their own right.

In response to an article by Henry Zeffman of BBC News discussing Jonathan Ashworth’s loss in Leicester South, I pointed out that the political shift is not about religious and cultural divides but rather foreign policy. My tweet addressed to Zeffman and BBC News aimed to highlight the dog whistle politics and Islamophobia present in mainstream media. Such narratives help right-wing parties like Reform UK to strengthen and gain confidence in their views, showing how biased reporting can impact the political landscape by reinforcing divisive ideologies.

Despite receiving just 1,425 votes, I am proud of each and every one of those votes. They were cast by people who chose to stand by their principles and beliefs, even knowing they might not win. They can sleep at night with a clear conscience, knowing they voted for what they believed in.

Stop voting for a status symbol, a tribe, or because they always have. Wake up, open your eyes and mind, and make du’ah that Allah guides you to the truth.

Reflecting on the difficulties of this journey, I realised that my struggles were but a tiny fraction—0.0000001%—of what the prophets endured in conveying the message of Allah. Balancing a full-time job, family responsibilities, and my campaign was a significant challenge, but it has strengthened my faith in Islam immeasurably.

“Verily with hardship comes ease.” — Quran 94:6

This verse encapsulates the essence of our collective journey towards unity and justice, reminding us that perseverance through difficult times will ultimately lead to relief and success, driving us to strive for a better, more inclusive future.

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