Israel implicated in the killing of its own civilians, new evidence reveals

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Israel killed a significant proportion of their own civilians- further evidence emerges, yet continue with the ruthless and savage ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
Media outlets attempting to report this truth have been targeted by the Washington Post and other agencies in a desperate attempt to silence factual reporting.

Israel has repeatedly claimed that Hamas killed 1,200 Israelis on 7 October. However, much reporting since that day evidences that a significant number were killed by Israeli forces using tank shells and helicopter gunships.

This occurred due to incompetence, panicked indiscriminate fire and application of the Hannibal doctrine, an Israeli military protocol which permits its forces to use any means necessary, including killing, to prevent the capture of Israelis.

The YouTube video above by YouTube channel GDF, encapsulates a significant portion of The Electronic Intifada’s reporting in just over 12 minutes.

In January, The Electronic Intifada found itself to be a target of a scurrilous smear. This was a clear attempt to shut down any factual reporting. It has however, not deterred the news outlet from backing down.

Fresh incident revealed

The majority of information regarding alleged friendly fire incidents on 7 October originates from Israeli sources and media. Surprisingly, this is seldom covered in mainstream Western media, which predominantly adhere to Israel’s official propaganda narratives.

However, even within Israeli media, the information has been slowly disseminated. Each week appears to unveil a new piece of evidence.

On Thursday, Haaretz revealed a similar incident.

Haaretz reports that an Israeli man escaped from the Supernova rave – where Israeli forces had fired on civilians – only to be fatally shot when he reached what he thought would be the safety of Kibbutz Alumim, a nearby colonial settlement.

“Ofek Atun and his girlfriend Tamar fled the Nova outdoor rave by car as rockets started flying overhead. The couple drove north until security personnel from a nearby community directed them to Kibbutz Alumim,” Haaretzreports.

The couple in Kibbutz, “frantically banged on doors before storming into the home of an elderly couple who were taking shelter inside their safe room. Thinking that terrorists had just broken into their home, the homeowners called the kibbutz’s volunteer security squad for help.”

“As Ofek and Tamar were hiding inside the house, the security squad arrived, accompanied by a kibbutz resident soldier, and discreetly evacuated the elderly couple through the safe room window,” the account asserts. “The soldier then entered the house through the window with a pistol in hand, while a security squad member provided cover through the window.”

“According to a member of the community security squad, Atun and the soldier got into a fight, and the soldier shot Atun many times, mistaking him for a terrorist,” Haaretz says. “According to Tamar, Ofek was shot dead without any prior struggle.”

Tamar was subsequently shot in the stomach by Israeli soldiers but survived to recount the ordeal.

If Tamar had been killed, would this story have surfaced, or would there have been another attempted cover-up, akin to the failed effort to hide how Israeli forces bombed a residence, resulting in the deaths of several Israeli civilians at Kibbutz Be’eri.

The Israeli military in December admitted to an “immense and complex quantity” of friendly fire incidents on 7 October, but is refusing to investigate them, claiming that to do so would not be “morally sound.”

Hamas is designated as a proscribed terrorist organization in the UK. It is essential to clarify that S2J News does not endorse this group or any other organization and remains steadfast in its commitment to factual reporting and advocating for the oppressed.

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