Piers Morgan Unmasked: Unravelling Islamophobia & Misogyny

Reading Time: 4 minutes
  • Piers Morgan’s blatant hypocrisy came to the forefront in his recent show.
  • Ironically, mainstream media consistently misrepresents Islam, particularly in its portrayal of shariah law and the unjust framing of Islam as oppressive to women.

Piers Morgan, the host of “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” has been providing a platform for the Palestinian voice since October 7th. However, questions have come to fruition regarding his true intentions: is he genuinely amplifying voices or merely chasing clout, fame, and money?

During a segment of his show this evening, Morgan interviewed Dr Abdul Wahid, head of Hizb-ur-Tahir. This interview may have revealed more about Morgan’s professional and journalistic integrity than his entire 25 year career has ever done!

Tonight, we witnessed a revealing glimpse into how Morgan perpetuates prejudice against Muslim women, undermining their autonomy to choose their own ideological journey. His ignorance of Shariah law was additionally striking, as he appears intent on exacerbating societal disharmony by propagating a narrative that fundamentally misrepresents Islam, Muslim women, and Shariah law.

Morgan’s aggressive and repeated questioning towards his guest on whether he wanted shariah law in the UK, exposed Morgan’s utter ignorance on the subject. Piers Morgan’s knowledge of Shariah law seems to be completely taken from the boogie man.

Paradoxically, Morgan presents himself as a man of books, offering book recommendations for platforms such as ‘Love Reading UK’ and ‘Book Authority.’ However, it might be enlightening for Morgan to pick up a book about Shariah law through the lens of classical Muslim scholasticism, considering he has so much to say about the topic.

Pictured: Piers Morgan in his town house in West London, 2017

Morgan, an Irish Catholic also claimed how shariah Law would entail “no gays” and “no feminists”. This is somewhat curious since the Catholic Church and biblical teachings do not permit same sex relations.

Morgan further questioned Wahid’s stance on same sex relations.

Shariah law is a superior governing system, being divine in origin and essence, a comprehensive set of laws crafted by our creator, Allah. It offers effective economic solutions to combat global poverty and staunchly opposes capitalism. It serves as a highly effective deterrent against criminal activities and ensures fairness in business dealings. It also upholds the rights of every individual within its jurisdiction. Furthermore, adherence to it is obligatory for all Muslims as it is divinely revealed by Allah.

It’s essential to highlight that authentic Shariah law is not currently implemented in any country globally.

This contradicts Morgan’s stance, dehumanising the beliefs of 1.8 billion Muslims globally at a time when they face severe challenges in the Middle East.

Morgan’s diverse facades become even more apparent as Wahid responds with factual evidence, highlighting an increased number of conversions to Islam following the recent escalation of events in Palestine. Morgan consciously overlooks this glaring fact before him.

Pictured: Screenshot from the Guardian

Morgan’s Misogynistic comments

Wahid posed the question directly to Morgan: “Why do so many women become Muslim these days?” Morgan retorted, “..because they want to become oppressed? Is that what you’re going to tell me?”He repeated once more, “Because they want to be oppressed”. Morgan’s insinuation that women convert to Islam because they seek oppression was not just offensive but also a nadir in the interview.

As a Muslim woman, I find Piers Morgan’s remarks to be deeply offensive, discriminatory, and repugnant!

Morgan’s comments are egregiously misogynistic, suggesting a demeaning view that women are incapable of making decisions for themselves.

The Women and Equalities Committee reveals Muslim women who are looking for a job are 3 times as likely to be unemployed and looking than women generally. Consequently, Piers Morgan’s grotesque statements regarding Muslim women will only exacerbate attitudes towards Islam and Muslim women, especially considering the reported rise in Islamophobic attacks by the Metropolitan Police.

A 2022 analysis by the University of Birmingham, along with data analysis from YouGov, asserts that the non-Muslim British public is three times more likely to hold prejudiced views of Islam than of other faiths. The survey, presented in a report titled ‘The Dinner Table Prejudice: Islamophobia in Contemporary Britain‘, states that Muslims are the UK’s second ‘least liked’ group, after Gypsy and Irish Travellers. Hence, statements such as those voiced by Piers Morgan are poised to contribute to societal discord.

Why Muslims should extend their boycott beyond Starbucks to include Morgan!

Piers Morgan’s lack of professional and journalistic integrity has been evident for some time. In my opinion, Muslims who support him, ought to reconsider their position, as he appears to adapt his views to suit the prevailing narrative rather than maintaining a consistent and principled stance on current events. Furthermore, Piers Morgan has quite clearly expressed his abhorrent views towards Muslims and Islam.

Morgan has authentically been exposed.

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