Power of language to dehumanise Palestinians and manipulate nations

Reading Time: 2 minutes

• Mainstream news articles are being accused of bias and perpetrating a negative view of Palestinians in comparison to Israelis through language choices. 

• Recently, Palestinians have been described as ‘Prisoners’ and Israelis are ‘Hostages’, and Palestinians are ‘People aged 18 and younger’ rather than ‘Children’, this is leading to the dehumanisation of Palestinians.  

Over the past couple of days, headlines across the world have reported on the ‘humanitarian pause’ in Palestine, which also led to the release of Palestinian and Israeli hostages. 

They are now reporting on the two-day extension to the truce and describing it as a ‘glimpse of hope and humanity’, whilst dehumanising Palestinians in previous articles. 

The stark difference in the rhetoric around Israelis and Palestinians has led to an outcry on social media. Many individuals and civil organisations are heavily criticizing their biased and racist language.

It has been reported that “53 Israeli hostages will be released, mostly children and mothers” whilst “150 Palestinian prisoners released, mostly women and minors”, and in other articles children are referred to as “People aged 18 and younger”. 

The use of language as propaganda is a powerful tool that can shape perceptions and manipulate public opinion. By changing the image of Palestinians and saying they are just “women” not “mothers” and “minors” not “children”, subconsciously shifts people’s bias and sympathy against Palestinians. 

This dehumanisation of Palestinians has existed throughout the Zionist Occupation. In previous articles, Palestinians passively “die” whilst Israelis are actively “killed”. Palestinians are also described as “children of darkness” and “human beasts” by the Israeli government, whilst Israelis are “helpless citizens”.

This language helps to neutralise the public outrage and action against the ethnic cleansing taking place. 

The term “prisoners” for Palestinians has been particularly emphasised. However, there is a need for a more nuanced understanding of the Israeli legal system to understand who these alleged prisoners are. 

On 26th November, 39 Palestinians were freed from prison. There were 15 children, 10 of whom were detained with no charge; and there were 24 women, 23 of whom were detained with no charge. These individuals are imprisoned through the administrative detention on false pretences or alleged petty crimes that are exaggerated. 

The Israeli government practices administrative detention, where Palestinians are held without charge or trial. This is recognised as a key tool that enforces the system of apartheid, and is a method to keep innocent individuals imprisoned. Therefore, they are in fact “hostages”. 

On top of this, Israeli Government has labelled released Palestinians as “terrorists” and the Israeli National Security minister has declared that anyone who celebrates their release are also “terrorists”. Israel continues to show their derogatory and prejudiced behaviour. 

Propaganda through the News has always been used by oppressive Governments. For example, Nazi Germany had a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, the Soviet Union their department of Agitation and Propaganda,and the British had the Ministry of Information.

Prophet Muhammed SAW was even faced with propagandaand the plight of misinformation. Where the Quraysh labelled the Prophet Muhammed SAW as a madman, liar, corrupter and mischief-maker; and in the end the truth shone out through the actions of the Prophet SAW.

In the Sunnah of Islam, Muslims are told to be true seekers of knowledge and ensure that we speak upon the truth. 

In this world of misinformation and manipulation, Muslims must rely on Al Haqq (The Truthful One- Name of Allah), guidance from Muhammed SAW who is ‘as-Sadiq’ and ‘al-Amin’ (the Truthful and Honest), and the Quran which is the true guidance for mankind.  

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