What Makes Sheikh Omar Suleiman’s 2025 Ramadan Series Groundbreaking?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sheikh Omar Suleiman’s Other Side revolutionises Islamic storytelling.

There is a need for high-quality halal media, calling on creatives to build compelling faith-driven alternatives.

Sheikh Omar Suleiman has done it again—Allahumma Barik! The visionary series Other Side blends an insightful script with cinematic artistry, and is nothing short of revolutionary. For those of us eagerly awaiting each new instalment, his 15-minute YouTube episodes on the barzakh are a masterclass in modern storytelling and teaching.

Touted by Sheikh Suleiman as his most significant work yet, the series invites us and our families to embark on a soulful journey into the realm of the barzakh and what awaits for us on ‘the other side’. Even those who maybe deemed as non-practising are unexpectedly captivated. Tissues at the ready, as this series powerfully reminds us of who we are, life’s ephemeral nature, the promises that await beyond (dependent upon how we lived this life). Moreover, it leaves us with much food for thought.

With mesmerising visuals, a soul-stretching narrative and grounded in authentic sources, Other Side is doing what many have failed to do. It redefines the portrayal of spirituality by seamlessly delivering the message of Islam with contemporary packaging.

What can we take away from this? In a time when spirituality is often diluted in dawah content, Sheikh Omar Suleiman’s series arrives boldly as a much-needed remedy—perfectly timed for Ramadan. Moreover, it serves as a reminder that we should strive for excellence when articulating the message of Islam. For far too long, practising Muslims have had to settle for uninspiring, low-budget productions plagued by weak scripts and terrible actors. But this series changes the game. The dedication, creativity, and investment behind it are undeniable, proving that Islamic storytelling and dawah through film can be both deeply spiritual and artistically excellent.

Having said this, although the dawah deserves high-caliber visual productions through compelling storytelling, and the resources to match— if this series has shown us anything, it’s that the halal entertainment/film industry needs greater funding so that more creatives can produce such content. The halal film industry has passionate visionaries with a commitment to elevate the way we experience faith on screen. However, production costs are perhaps what is letting us down the most. We have hope from what we’ve seen in this series, as great things can certainly be achieved with an absence of music, profanity, and immodest attire. While there have been other successful and impactful halal media projects and cinematic productions, there remains a compelling need for even more innovative endeavours.

Calling all scriptwriters, media visionaries, visual artists, creatives, cartoonists, and even astute business individuals capable of fostering such ventures. The time has arrived for us to furnish our ummah with authentic halal media alternatives.

Initiating change necessitates commitment, tireless effort, and a lofty vision, exemplified by individuals resolved to effect change, rather than merely whining and lamenting the presence of LGBTQ narratives in every Netflix series. We must counter with superior literature for our youth, animations resonating with the message of Tawhid, documentaries, and films that challenge the prevailing narrative. Though we are contending with a giant, we draw inspiration from the Islamic Golden Age, which encourages us to be polymaths. We must harness the talents bestowed upon us by Allah azza wa Jal for the enhancement of our ummah. We cannot be a generation of moaners and whingers- we have to be a people of action. Why? Because quite simply, there is far too much at stake.

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