• Streamer Sonny Faz recently spoke about his beautiful journey to Islam and how it has impacted his life in an incredibly positive way.
• Despite facing Islamophobic backlash, Faz continues to speak openly about his spiritual growth, finding profound purpose and strength in Islam, inspiring others to explore the religion.
Sonny Fazio, a 21-year-old Italian-American streamer, is an articulate and compassionate entrepreneur, as well as a skilled writer and filmmaker. Recently, Brother Sonny created a short film examining Israel’s influence on America and the pervasive ills of modernity that have seeped into contemporary American life, casting a shadow over its foundations.

However, above all, his greatest distinction is that he is now our brother, a valued member of the global Muslim family of two billion. Allahu Akbar!
Faz defies the narrative that Islamophobes seek to propagate—that Islam appeals solely to ostracised, lonely weirdos who encounter it in prison cells. This truth is universal, essential to all of humanity, reaching beyond any circumstance. Islam is a transformative way of life that has profoundly impacted influential figures such as Malcolm X, Dave Chappelle, and Muhammad Ali, as well as personalities such as YouTuber and traveller Jay Palfrey, British rapper Dutchavelli, and New Zealand rugby player Sonny Bill Williams.
Faz’s story demonstrates how Islam resonates beyond cultural, racial, and socio-economic divides.
Pew Research projects that by 2050, the number of Muslims will approach parity with Christians globally. The estimated Muslim population is expected to exceed 2.76 billion by that time. This rapid growth is due to a combination of factors, including high birth rates, a younger age profile, and conversions, which collectively make Islam one of the fastest-growing religions worldwide.
In Europe, for instance, the Muslim population is projected to nearly double, reaching about 10% of the continent’s population.
An intriguing statistic for Islamophobes to reflect upon is that, despite their widespread dissemination of baseless and hate-filled rhetoric about Muslim women being oppressed, the reality is quite different. Studies, such as those from the University of Cambridge and the Faith Matters survey assert that most converts in the UK are white, middle-class women. These women often turn to Islam for its spiritual clarity, rejecting the complexities of modernity and seeking the structure and discipline that Islam offers. Islam does not objectify women by using their bodies to sell products, such as showcasing scantily dressed women on billboards to sell a car. Rather, it empowers and dignifies them through their devotion to Allah’s laws.
Why would someone like brother Sonny Faz need Islam?
Brother Sonny hails from a loving and supportive Italian family. Furthermore, in an era where fame often seems like the ultimate goal, Faz found himself immersed in the limelight through his online streaming presence. Despite this, he, like many feel an unshakable yearning to know their purpose in this transient world. Fame and money cannot fulfil the soul as this is not what it was designed for. We humans, like the Jinn, were created to worship Allah.
That infamous video with Sheikh Uthman, Sneako and Muslim Lantern

Five months ago, we were all left hanging: Had he converted? Hadn’t he? Brother Sonny, however, has since openly discussed his journey, confirming that his conversion indeed took place on the same day the video was filmed. It is highly respectful that he chose to keep his conversion private until he felt ready to share it with the public. A person’s spiritual journey is after all, deeply personal. It seems that this approach was perhaps the wisest course of action.
Our brother has been receiving a barrage of Islamophobic comments from the Christian community
During a recent livestream, brother Sonny explained how since his conversion, he has been receiving many ignorant comments, such as “you worship and cube, you hit women, you have betrayed your race.” Fax responded to the haters by saying, “There is no amount of hate you can throw my way that will make me hate Islam.”
These comments are indeed bizarre. Firstly, Jesus (AS) wasn’t white, he was a Palestinian. We as Muslims love him as our revered prophet who will return to Earth to fight the anti Christ. Secondly, Islam protects the rights of women. Thirdly, we do not worship a cube, we worship Allah alone!
We invite those who believe they understand our faith to delve deeper into it, with an open mind and heart. True understanding of Islam can only be achieved through sincere exploration, beyond misconceptions and assumptions. After all, it is incumbent upon you since we aren’t going anywhere and as the aforementioned statistics suggests we are growing exponentially as a community.
“With Islam you take out all the friction between you and God,”- Sonny Faz
Faz comes from a devout Christian family. During his live stream, he asserted how Islam is the only faith that offers an unmediated connection between the believer and their Lord. He expressed how profoundly valuable this direct relationship with God is, free from intermediaries
“I’ve known the whole time it was the truth”, he said. “Before Islam everything was blurry.”
Sonny Faz and his Mum

From what is apparent, Sonny has always maintained a close relationship with his mother, Elena, who hails from the Canarsie neighbourhood, of Brooklyn, New York. Their large Italian-Irish family have frequently featured in episodes on Sonny Faz’s YouTube channel.
In July 2022, Sonny invited his mother to participate in the very first “mom reacts” video for his channel, sharing a special moment with his audience.
Islam teaches us that paradise lies under the feet of your mother
“It was narrated from Mu’awiyah bin Jahimah As-Sulami that Jahimah came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, I want to go out and fight (in Jihad) and I have come to seek your advice.’ He said: ‘Do you have a mother?’ He said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘Then stay with her, for Paradise is beneath her feet.’” (Sunan an-Nasa’i 3104)
“Me following Islam is making me awesome! I’m so much more better!”
Since his conversion, he expressed how beautiful his journey has been. Although, it seems from much of his recent content that Shaytan is coming after our brother hard. May Allah swt keep him steadfast.
Shaytan said, ‘Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].’” (Quran 7:16-17)
During his live stream, Sonny spoke about the effects of wudu and how it has assisted him, as if “it’s a protective shield over his body, preventing him from committing sins.”

Benefits of wudu on the day of Judgement
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, my nation will be called on the Day of Resurrection as brightly radiant from the traces of ablution. Whoever among you is able to extend his radiance, let him do so.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 136, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 246
On the Day of Judgment, when we will be enveloped in complete darkness, it is the light radiating from us, from our faith and good deeds that will guide us towards our final destination, Jannah. Yet, it is only through the infinite mercy of Allah that we will be granted entry into Paradise.
Brotherhood in Islam
“The example of the believers in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion is like that of a single body. If one part of it feels pain, the rest of the body responds with sleeplessness and fever.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6011; Sahih Muslim 2586)
During his live stream, Faz reflected on how he was wrong to elevate Andrew Tate to the status of a prophetic figure. He recognised that Tate is not infallible.
Streamer Tyson Hockley, who recently appeared in another live stream with brother Sonny, has since been deeply moved by Sonny’s journey and has begun exploring Islam further. It is important to note that it is Allah alone who brings people to Islam and is the only one who changes hearts and minds.
I’d like to leave you with the following quote by Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA), the second caliph of Islam: