London Imam Targeted for Speaking the Truth and Calling Israel Out for What It Is

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• An imam of East London mosque has been targeted by the Telegraph after sympathising with Palestinian victims almost a year into the genocide.

• The telegraph’s integrity and dehumanising manipulation are on show for exposure.

An imam of East London Mosque has been targeted after calling Israel out for what it is: a genocidal state and a colonialist project.

After the underestimated killings of more than 40,000 people and the recent expansion of the genocide into neighbouring Lebanon, the Telegraph has released an article targeting Imam Muzammil of East London Mosque by making it seem that Imam Muzammil was promoting ‘anti-Jewish racism’ for calling the terrorist state of Israel ‘genocidal’ and a ‘project of colonialism’.

The news outlet seemingly regards such comments iterated a few days of the anniversary of the October 7 attacks as offensive and anti-Semitic and even went as far as quoting the chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) to support the idea.

Claudia Mendoza, chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, told The Telegraph:

“It is deeply concerning to see these comments … on the eve of the anniversary of the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.”

What the Telegraph didn’t say however, was that the Jewish Leadership Council is actually a pro-Israeli council that in the past has sought to change UK law to prevent arrest warrants against Israeli leaders without the Attorney General’s consent.

On top of that, the JLC has written to the Times to support an independent inquiry into the BBC’s coverage of the Israeli atrocities after accusing the BBC of having “institutional bias against Israel.” The BBC, an organisation that whitewashed the killings of thousands of Palestinians by giving more attention to the Israeli deaths a year after the genocide began on October 7, then the 40,000 Palestinians, an organisation that time and time again demeanes the Palestinian children by putting them beneath Israeli Zionists through disproportionate screentime to Israelis. An organisation that used the words ‘massacre’, ‘brutal massacre’ and ‘horrific massacre’ 35 times for Israeli deaths but not once for Palestinian deaths.

For the Telegraph to quote such a source and use it and make it seem as if it’s a legitimate mouthpiece is just one of many manipulative strategies of pushing its pro-Israeli agenda onto the masses.

The term “genocidal”

UN official Andrew Gilmour said in February that the rate of killing of the Israeli military in Gaza is the highest against civilians worldwide since the Rwanda genocide.

The University Network FOR Human Rights (UNHR), a consortium of human rights centres at colleges across the world, had said:

“Israel has committed genocidal acts, namely killing, seriously harming, and inflicting conditions of life calculated and intended to bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians in Gaza.”

The world court themselves, also known as the ICJ, has also said that it’s ‘plausible’ Israel committed genocide in Gaza way back in January before the Lancet study outlined the real death toll in Gaza. The fact of the matter is that the majority of the right-minded can acknowledge that the ongoing genocide in Gaza is indeed a genocide. Now the question arises: is Israel a genocidal state, or is it just the leaders who are genocidal?

A majority of Israelis hoard extremist, genocidal views, even with the first streamed genocide in history

The reality of genocidal tendencies in Israel throughout the majority of the population being hidden by mainstream western media is not new, but by making it seem like calling Israel a genocidal nation is something wrong and antisemitic when studies have proven it is the case is another mere coverup that is propelling the genocide into continuation.

The Israeli Democracy Institute did a study in February and found that majority of Jewish Israeli civilians had supported the blocking of humanitarian aid into Gaza, even if it were to avoid coming from Hamas and UNWRA linked organisations. The majority of Gaza’s population are children and this opinion harboured by the Israeli population en masse was one of the many things that helped Israeli prime minister Netanyahu implement the most restrictive blockade seen in Gaza’s history.

It is true that there are indeed thousands of Israeli protesters who call for the massacre of Palestinians to end and hostages to be let back into the country but it is untrue that the majority of these people would hold the same opinion on a ceasefire if hostages had already returned. The recent expansion of the genocide into Lebanon only reinforces this as the majority of Israelis are supportive of the continuation of the expansion of genocide up north.

Recent history of Western foreign policy demonstrates that if terrorism is harboured in another nation, regardless if the ones harbouring the terror are combatants or not, that the individuals are given the same fate as militants and terrorists alike. From the bombing of the Serbian news station during the Kosovo war in which unarmed, non-combatent workers were killed in NATO led bombings, to the assassination of ISIS terrorists, even those who weren’t armed, why should Israel and Israeli terrorists be given a safe guarantee? The western world would not criticise anyone who had called ISIS a terrorist or genocidal state nor would the Telegraph dare to publish something against such a term. Yet when Israel kills more people then ISIS, more children since Rwanda, uses chemical weapons like white phosphorus on civilian areas, makes an entire region uninhabitable, why should ISIS be seen as any different then Israel? The Telegraph’s grotesque display of inconsistencies and whitewash outline the reality of what the Telegraph is, a media outlet worse than that supporting terrorism, a media outlet supporting genocide, the likes of which no terrorist organisation has gone anywhere near in terms of kill rate this century.

Palestinian teenager burned to death in Israel 

The imam who has chosen to remove the covering of the people

As English philosopher John Stuart Mill said in 1857: 

The reality is that the idea of inaction in the midst of a genocide that is being livestreamed gives ample leeway for the aggressor to commit aggression. It also makes the aggressor more bold and confident that it can achieve it’s ambitions thus doesn’t feel deterred to feel more aggressive.

Imam Muzammil calling Israel a genocidal state a few days before the October 7 commemorations is a well-timed and a well informative way of raising attention to the 185,000 dead Palestinians in Gaza who have died as a result of Israeli aggression since October 7, while also a good way of bending the narrative that Israeli lives are worth more— remembering when they’re casualty numbers are 100 times less than that of the Palestinians with a far lower infant death rate.

Previous articleHere’s a roundup of pro-Palestine accounts targeted this week